RFR: JDK-8079063 ZoneOffsetTransition constructor should ignore nanoseconds

Peter Levart peter.levart at gmail.com
Mon May 4 10:22:30 UTC 2015


Now that JDK-8074003 is in, I'd like to discuss how to tackle JDK-8079063.

Package-private ZoneOffsetTransition constructor that takes 
LocalDateTime transition is invoked from the following 4 places:

1 - the public static factory method:

      * Obtains an instance defining a transition between two offsets.
      * <p>
      * Applications should normally obtain an instance from {@link 
      * This factory is only intended for use when creating {@link 
      * @param transition  the transition date-time at the transition, 
which never
      *  actually occurs, expressed local to the before offset, not null
      * @param offsetBefore  the offset before the transition, not null
      * @param offsetAfter  the offset at and after the transition, not null
      * @return the transition, not null
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code offsetBefore} and 
{@code offsetAfter}
      *         are equal, or {@code transition.getNano()} returns 
non-zero value
     public static ZoneOffsetTransition of(LocalDateTime transition, 
ZoneOffset offsetBefore, ZoneOffset offsetAfter) {

...this one already disallows transition parameters that have 
transition.getNano() != 0.

2 - Lines 498..500 of ZoneOffsetTransitionRule:

         LocalDateTime localDT = LocalDateTime.of(date, time);
         LocalDateTime transition = 
timeDefinition.createDateTime(localDT, standardOffset, offsetBefore);
         return new ZoneOffsetTransition(transition, offsetBefore, 

...where 'time' is an instance field of ZoneOffsetTransitionRule. The 
ZoneOffsetTransitionRule public static factory method has the following 

      * Obtains an instance defining the yearly rule to create 
transitions between two offsets.
      * <p>
      * Applications should normally obtain an instance from {@link 
      * This factory is only intended for use when creating {@link 
      * @param month  the month of the month-day of the first day of the 
cutover week, not null
      * @param dayOfMonthIndicator  the day of the month-day of the 
cutover week, positive if the week is that
      *  day or later, negative if the week is that day or earlier, 
counting from the last day of the month,
      *  from -28 to 31 excluding 0
      * @param dayOfWeek  the required day-of-week, null if the 
month-day should not be changed
      * @param time  the cutover time in the 'before' offset, not null
      * @param timeEndOfDay  whether the time is midnight at the end of day
      * @param timeDefnition  how to interpret the cutover
      * @param standardOffset  the standard offset in force at the 
cutover, not null
      * @param offsetBefore  the offset before the cutover, not null
      * @param offsetAfter  the offset after the cutover, not null
      * @return the rule, not null
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the day of month indicator 
is invalid
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the end of day flag is true 
when the time is not midnight
     public static ZoneOffsetTransitionRule of(
             Month month,
             int dayOfMonthIndicator,
             DayOfWeek dayOfWeek,
             LocalTime time,
             boolean timeEndOfDay,
             TimeDefinition timeDefnition,
             ZoneOffset standardOffset,
             ZoneOffset offsetBefore,
             ZoneOffset offsetAfter) {
         Objects.requireNonNull(month, "month");
         Objects.requireNonNull(time, "time");
         Objects.requireNonNull(timeDefnition, "timeDefnition");
         Objects.requireNonNull(standardOffset, "standardOffset");
         Objects.requireNonNull(offsetBefore, "offsetBefore");
         Objects.requireNonNull(offsetAfter, "offsetAfter");
         if (dayOfMonthIndicator < -28 || dayOfMonthIndicator > 31 || 
dayOfMonthIndicator == 0) {
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Day of month indicator 
must be between -28 and 31 inclusive excluding zero");
         if (timeEndOfDay && time.equals(LocalTime.MIDNIGHT) == false) {
             throw new IllegalArgumentException("Time must be midnight 
when end of day flag is true");
         return new ZoneOffsetTransitionRule(month, dayOfMonthIndicator, 
dayOfWeek, time, timeEndOfDay, timeDefnition, standardOffset, 
offsetBefore, offsetAfter);

...which allows 'time' parameter (that becomes 
ZoneOffsetTransitionRule's 'time' field) with no restriction as to 
whether it can contain nanos != 0 or not.

3, 4 - Lines 668..678 of ZoneRules private getOffsetInfo method:

             LocalDateTime dtBefore = savingsLocalTransitions[index];
             LocalDateTime dtAfter = savingsLocalTransitions[index + 1];
             ZoneOffset offsetBefore = wallOffsets[index / 2];
             ZoneOffset offsetAfter = wallOffsets[index / 2 + 1];
             if (offsetAfter.getTotalSeconds() > 
offsetBefore.getTotalSeconds()) {
                 // gap
                 return new ZoneOffsetTransition(dtBefore, offsetBefore, 
             } else {
                 // overlap
                 return new ZoneOffsetTransition(dtAfter, offsetBefore, 

...where dtBefore/dtAfter "transition" parameters are taken from 
savingsLocalTransitions[] array that is filled-in in ZoneRules 
constructors from passed-in ZoneOffsetTransition objects. So here no 
nanos != 0 can sneak in if ZoneOffsetTransition invariant holds.

The only place where nanos can sneak-in therefore seems to be the public 
ZoneOffsetTransitionRule.of() factory method. The question is whether 
the spec. could be changed so that ZoneOffsetTransitionRule.of() factory 
method would add another @throws definition:

      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code time.getNano()} 
returns non-zero value

This, I think, would be consistent with ZoneOffsetTransition.of() 
factory method and I believe early enough in the live of the API so that 
no custom software would be affected:


What do you think?

Regards, Peter

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