RFR: 8080803: sun/nio/cs/FindEncoderBugs.java failing intermittently

joe darcy joe.darcy at oracle.com
Fri May 22 16:39:28 UTC 2015

Hi Sherman,

The changes look fine, but the underlying cause of this will still needs 
to be investigated on the vm side.



On 5/21/2015 4:24 PM, Xueming Shen wrote:
> Martin, Alan, Joe,
> Would you please help review the change (as a workaround) for this 
> "intermittently" problem?
> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8080803
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~sherman/8080803
> It appears the trigger might be that ByteBuffer.get(byte[]) fails to 
> get the bytes from the buffer "intermittently".
> Interestingly this one is always reproducible on my local linux build 
> (very old os), in which I have to update
> couple hotspot headfile to make the build going recently. I filed the 
> bug#8080904 to let the vm guy take a look.
> Meanwhile the proposed change here is just to "optimized" the ISO2022 
> code a little to simple workaround
> this issue. I hope this can make the "intermittent failure" go away in 
> our nightly build. If have time, we definitely
> should re-visit the implementation of these ISO2022 :-)
> Thanks,
> -Sherman

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