Proposed API for JEP 259: Stack-Walking API

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at
Sun Nov 1 04:36:21 UTC 2015

In fact, <T> T walk(Function<Stream<StackFrame>, T> function, …) - without ? extends T change,

You can do:
    Function<Stream<StackWalker.StackFrame>, String> funct;
    CharSequence chars =  sw.walk(funct, i -> i);

I think it’s right to declare the return type of the function is "? extends T”. 


> On Oct 31, 2015, at 5:01 PM, Timo Kinnunen <timo.kinnunen at> wrote:
> Hi, 
> Regarding “
> I was pondering it and that’s why not changed in the last update.  I agree with the upper bounded wildcard "? extends T” for the return type of the function.  
> How does changing the type from “T” to “? extends T” aid the method caller in any way? If the caller has a Function like this:
>                 Function<Stream<StackWalker.StackFrame>, String> funct;
> but they wished they could have walk use T=CharSequence instead, then they can simply assign the value returned from walk to a CharSequence variable:
>                 String result = sw.walk(funct, i -> i);
>                 CharSequence chars = result;
> Isn’t “? extends T” pointless here?
> Sent from Mail for Windows 10
> From: Mandy Chung
> Sent: Saturday, October 31, 2015 23:59
> To: Remi Forax
> Cc: core-libs-dev at
> Subject: Re: Proposed API for JEP 259: Stack-Walking API
> > On Oct 31, 2015, at 11:29 AM, Remi Forax <forax at> wrote:
> > 
> > Hi Mandy,
> > I've crawled the code and the documentation again.
> > 
> > In the doc and in the code, a lambda with one parameter doesn't require parenthesis around the parameter,
> >  (s) -> s.doSomething()
> > should be
> >  s -> s.doSomething().
> > 
> Oh right.  (It didn’t look right to me but didn’t pay attention to it).
> > 
> > In the doc of StackWalker,
> > in the first example, the local variable 'frame' should be named ‘callerClass'
> > 
> Fixed
> > 
> > In the doc of getCallerClass(),
> > the first example do a skip(2) which i believe is not necessary anymore,
> It has to skip two frames.  Use the second example, the stack looks like this:
> StackWalk::getCallerClass
> Util::getResourceBundle
> Foo::init
> :
> :
> > also instead of Optional.orElse, orElseGet is better because it avoids to evaluate
> > Thread.currentThread().getClass() if not necessary.
> > 
> > So the example should be:
> >   walk(s ->
> >              .findFirst()).orElseGet(() -> Thread.currentThread().getClass());
> > 
> This would return Util.class instead of Foo.class
> > In the second example, the field walker should be declared 'final’.
> Sure. Fixed.
> > 
> > And as i said earlier, the signature of walk() is:
> >  <T> T walk(Function<? super Stream<StackWalker.StackFrame>, ? extends T> function, IntUnaryOperator batchSizeMapper)
> > 
> I was pondering it and that’s why not changed in the last update.  I agree with the upper bounded wildcard "? extends T” for the return type of the function.  
> But for the function’s input argument, can you help me understand why it should take "? super Stream<StackWalker.StackFrame>”?  Is it useful to have function accepting supertype of Stream<StackFrame> rather than Stream<StackFrame>?  VM should be the only source producing this StackFrame stream.
> On the other hand, I wonder if the stream argument should be Stream<? extends StackFrame> that may allow future implementation change.
> <T> T walk(Function<Stream<? extends StackWalker.StackFrame>, ? extends T> function, …)
> Mandy

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