RFR(S): 8131129: Attempt to define a duplicate BMH$Species class

Peter Levart peter.levart at gmail.com
Fri Nov 6 00:00:45 UTC 2015

Hi Vladimir,

On 11/05/2015 11:06 PM, Vladimir Ivanov wrote:
> Peter, Michael,
> Very good work! I really like how CMH-based BMH & SpeciesData caches 
> shape out in your proposal.
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~plevart/jdk9-dev/BMH.race/webrev.04/
> Small cleanup suggestion:
> +        static boolean speciesDataCachePopulated() {
> +            Class<BoundMethodHandle> rootCls = BoundMethodHandle.class;
>              try {
>                  for (Class<?> c : rootCls.getDeclaredClasses()) {
>                      if (rootCls.isAssignableFrom(c)) {
>                          final Class<? extends BoundMethodHandle> cbmh 
> = c.asSubclass(BoundMethodHandle.class);
> Maybe get rid of multiple BMH mentions here and just use Class<?> and 
> rootCls?
>> I think this is better then trying to disguise NoClassDefFoundError into
>> a VirtualMachineError just in order to "fool" the test(s). This is how
>> VM operates and in general, Error(s) thrown by VM should be propagated
>> up to the top and reported as-is.
> We already discussed that aspect. It's not only to fool the tests, but 
> also to provide more meaningful error reporting. I don't think that 
> NoClassDefFoundError is satisfactory. Remember, we started our 
> investigations with a similar type of errors.
> There are different ways to address the problem, but the most sensible 
> IMO is:
>   (1) split class initialization and Species instantiation;
>   (2) on consecutive attempts after a failed one: either (a) repeat 
> SpeciesData instantiation; or (b) cache first exception and return it.
> I'd try to instantiate corresponding Species right away and act 
> accordingly. CLASS_CACHE.computeIfAbsent() in getConcreteBMHClass 
> guarantees unique call per key, so no need to piggyback on class 
> initialization anymore. CLASS_CACHE (or CACHE entries?) can be used to 
> store initialization state.
> What do you think?

If the exception is from SpeciesData instantiation (yes it is, Michael's 
last stack traces show that!), then there's no reason to fail concrete 
BMH subclass initialization because of that.

Here's the attempt:


I opted for (a) - repeat SpeciesData instantiation. Who knows, maybe 
code cache overflow is just a transient condition and retrying may 
actually succeed? Besides, it was simpler. I just leveraged another 

I haven't tested this code yet. Will do that tomorrow morning. Now I'm 
going to sleep.

Regards, Peter

> Best regards,
> Vladimir Ivanov

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