RFR - 8132734: java.util.jar.* changes to support multi-release jar files

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Sun Nov 8 20:21:10 UTC 2015

On 08/11/2015 19:36, Paul Sandoz wrote:
> :
> I was wondering if it might be possible to consider this a mostly internal contract since the URL class loading functionality (URLClassPath.java) creates such URLs for processing by JarURLConnection in some code paths (getResourceAsStream IIRC). Since JarURLConnection caches JarFiles we need to distinguish between runtime class loading behaviour and independently created URLs.
> A fragment is the most unobtrusive way to do this, and i think a reasonably accurate use of the URL syntax.
I can go along with using a URL fragment although the proposed value 
(rtversionsed) is a little bit strange.

As to whether this is implementation vs. JAR URL spec then I assume it 
needs to be spec so that libraries can create URLs that will use runtime 
versioning when access the JAR.

I just read the mails about the configured setting, I just wonder if 
there could be any interaction with JAR cache as it's not keyed on 
whether it is runtime versioned.


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