Proposed API for JEP 259: Stack-Walking API

Peter Levart peter.levart at
Sun Nov 15 10:12:46 UTC 2015

Hi Mandy,

On 11/15/2015 12:52 AM, Mandy Chung wrote:
> I have been thinking what the users would do when there is no caller.
> The JDK use  of getCallerClass are to:
> 1. find the caller's class loader for class loader hierarchy check
> 2. find the caller’s class loader to load something on behalf of the caller (visibility)
> 3. looking forward to work with modules, one would want to get the caller’s module
> - to load something on behalf of the caller's module
> - to add read edge to the caller’s module before accessing its type
> Frameworks would likely do something similar to #2 and #3.  #1 is probably specific to the reflection API and how the security check is defined.
> I started to think returning Thread.class isn’t the right answer as it gives an elevated privileged context.    Returning null or Optional.empty() would have the users to special case it to handle this rare case while it’s not as helpful as I’d like it to be.   NoCaller.class would be in a similar situation that the users must handle this rare case (ignoring user error).
> Thread t1 = new Thread(new Runnable() {
>      public void run() {
>          walker.getCallerClass();
>      }
> });
> Runnable::run or the entry point of a thread started/attached invoked is the first java method a thread would call and it’s the proper context for caller-sensitive API to look at.
> If StackWalker::getCallerClass is called from the first java method a thread invoked (i.e. Runnable::run, static void main, etc), it’s reasonable for getCallerClass to return that.  In the above example, it will return the anonymous class implementing Runnable.

Well, in above example, it is the j.l.Thread that calls Runnable::run 
(from Thread::run), so it will return j.l.Thread.class.

But I see what you mean. The desire is that in the following example:

new Thread() {
     @Override public void run() {
         walker.getCallerClass(); // would like it to return the 
anonymous subclass of j.l.Thread

And in the following example:

class Test {
     public static void main(String[] args) {
         walker.getCallerClass(); // would like it to return the 

I think this is a good compromise if we consider the anticipated use 
cases you describe. If one has any other use case that doesn't fall into 
the no-caller-equals-self-caller scenario, she can use walker.walk().


Regards, Peter

> If a caller-sensitive API (M calls getCallerClass) wants to differentiate the bottom frame on the stack vs the caller class calling M, it should call StackWalker::walk instead.
> I’m inclined to have getCallerClass to return a non-null Class<?> and if the method calling getCallerClass method is the last frame on the stack, it will return that method instead.
> Mandy

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