Code Review for JEP 259: Stack-Walking API

serguei.spitsyn at serguei.spitsyn at
Fri Nov 20 09:59:41 UTC 2015

Hi Mandy,

It looks pretty good to me.
At least, I do not see any obvious issues.

Just some minor comments below.


2128 Symbol* java_lang_StackFrameInfo::get_file_name(Handle stackFrame, 
InstanceKlass* holder) {
2129 if (MemberNameInStackFrame) {
2130 return holder->source_file_name();
2131 } else {
2132 int bci = stackFrame->int_field(_bci_offset);
2133 short version = stackFrame->short_field(_version_offset);
2135 return Backtrace::get_source_file_name(holder, version);
2136 }
2137 }

  The 'int bci' is not used above.

2139 void java_lang_StackFrameInfo::set_method_and_bci(Handle 
stackFrame, const methodHandle& method, int bci) {
2140 if (MemberNameInStackFrame) {
2141 oop mname = stackFrame->obj_field(_memberName_offset);
2142 InstanceKlass* ik = method->method_holder();
2143 CallInfo info(method(), ik);
2144 MethodHandles::init_method_MemberName(mname, info);
2145 java_lang_StackFrameInfo::set_bci(stackFrame(), bci);
2146 // method may be redefined; store the version
2147 int version = method->constants()->version();
2148 assert((jushort)version == version, "version should be short");
2149 java_lang_StackFrameInfo::set_version(stackFrame(), (short)version);
2150 } else {
2151 int mid = method->orig_method_idnum();
2152 int version = method->constants()->version();
2153 int cpref = method->name_index();
2154 assert((jushort)mid == mid, "mid should be short");
2155 assert((jushort)version == version, "version should be short");
2156 assert((jushort)cpref == cpref, "cpref should be short");
2158 java_lang_StackFrameInfo::set_mid(stackFrame(), (short)mid);
2159 java_lang_StackFrameInfo::set_version(stackFrame(), (short)version);
2160 java_lang_StackFrameInfo::set_cpref(stackFrame(), (short)cpref);
2161 java_lang_StackFrameInfo::set_bci(stackFrame(), bci);
2162 }
2163 } Minor: The calls to set_version() and set_bci() are the same for 
both alternatives and can be done just once before the if-else statement 
as below. With such refactoring it is clear what the common part is. 
void java_lang_StackFrameInfo::set_method_and_bci(Handle stackFrame, 
const methodHandle& method, int bci) { 
java_lang_StackFrameInfo::set_bci(stackFrame(), bci); // method may be 
redefined; store the version int version = 
method->constants()->version(); assert((jushort)version == version, 
"version should be short"); 
java_lang_StackFrameInfo::set_version(stackFrame(), (short)version); if 
(MemberNameInStackFrame) { oop mname = 
stackFrame->obj_field(_memberName_offset); InstanceKlass* ik = 
method->method_holder(); CallInfo info(method(), ik); 
MethodHandles::init_method_MemberName(mname, info); } else { int mid = 
method->orig_method_idnum(); int cpref = method->name_index(); 
assert((jushort)mid == mid, "mid should be short"); 
assert((jushort)cpref == cpref, "cpref should be short"); 
java_lang_StackFrameInfo::set_mid(stackFrame(), (short)mid); 
java_lang_StackFrameInfo::set_cpref(stackFrame(), (short)cpref); } }


572 int limit = start_index+frame_count; 597 int limit = 

Minor: Need spaces around the '+'. 

   62 // Parameters:
   63 //  thread.        Current Java thread.
   64 //  magic.         Magic value used for each stack walking
   65 //  classes_array  User-supplied buffers.  The 0th element is reserved
   . . .

   86 // Parameters:
   87 //   mode.          Restrict which frames to be decoded.
   88 //   decode_limit.  Maximum of frames to be decoded.
   89 //   start_index.   Start index to the user-supplied buffers.
   90 //   classes_array. Buffer to store classes in, starting at start_index.
   91 //   frames_array.  Buffer to store StackFrame in, starting at start_index.
   92 //                  NULL if not used.
   93 //   end_index.     End index to the user-supplied buffers with unpacked frames.
   94 //
   . . .
  274 // Parameters:
  275 //   stackStream.   StackStream object
  276 //   mode.          Stack walking mode.
  277 //   skip_frames.   Number of frames to be skipped.
  278 //   frame_count.   Number of frames to be traversed.
  279 //   start_index.   Start index to the user-supplied buffers.
  280 //   classes_array. Buffer to store classes in, starting at start_index.
  281 //   frames_array.  Buffer to store StackFrame in, starting at start_index.
  . . .
  414 // Parameters:
  415 //   stackStream.   StackStream object
  416 //   mode.          Stack walking mode.
  417 //   magic.         Must be valid value to continue the stack walk
  418 //   frame_count.   Number of frames to be decoded.
  419 //   start_index.   Start index to the user-supplied buffers.
  420 //   classes_array. Buffer to store classes in, starting at start_index.
  421 //   frames_array.  Buffer to store StackFrame in, starting at start_index.

   Minor: Dots after the parameter names looks strange.              
Probably better to remove them or replace with colons.              
Also, the line 65 is inconsistent with others.

  114     if (!ShowHiddenFrames && StackWalk::skip_hidden_frames(mode)) {
  115         if (method->is_hidden()) {
  116           if (TraceStackWalk) {
  117             tty->print("  hidden method: "); method->print_short_name();
  118             tty->print("\n");
  119           }
  120           continue;
  121         }
  122     }

   Minor: Indent at the line 115 must be +2.

  338         if (!skip_to_fillInStackTrace) {
  339           if (ik == SystemDictionary::Throwable_klass() &&
  340               method->name() == vmSymbols::fillInStackTrace_name()) {
  341               // this frame will be skipped
  342               skip_to_fillInStackTrace = true;
  343           }
  344         } else if (!(ik->is_subclass_of(SystemDictionary::Throwable_klass()) &&
  345                      method->name() == vmSymbols::object_initializer_name())) {
  346             // there are none or we've seen them all - either way stop checking
  347             skip_throwableInit_check = true;
  348             break;
  349         }

    Minor: Indent must be +2 at 341 and 347.

  360     for (int n=0; n < skip_frames && !vfst.at_end();, n++) {
  451   int count = frame_count+start_index;

   Minor: Need spaces around the '=' and '+'.

  392   // Link the thread and vframe stream into the callee-visible object:
  397   // Do this before anything else happens, to disable any lingering stream objects:
  400   // Throw pending exception if we must:

   Minor: Better to place dots instead of colons at the end. Thanks, 
Serguei On 11/19/15 18:13, Mandy Chung wrote:
> Cross-posting to core-libs-dev.
> Delta webrev incorporating feedback from Coleen and Brent and also a fix that Daniel made:
> Full webrev:
> This also includes a couple of new tests Hamlin has contributed.
> Mandy
>> On Nov 19, 2015, at 1:38 PM, Coleen Phillimore <coleen.phillimore at> wrote:
>> Hi Mandy,
>> Thank you for making these changes.  I think it looks really good!
>> On 11/19/15 4:09 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:
>>> Hi Coleen,
>>> Here is the revised webrev incorporating your suggestions and a couple other minor java side change:
>>> I got some idea how to prepare Throwable to switch to StackWalker API to address the footprint/performance concern.  I agree with you that it would have to use mid/cpref in the short term for Throwable.  StackWalker::walk should use MemberName and should improve the footprint/performance issue in the long term.
>>> Are you okay to follow that up with JDK-8141239 and Throwable continues to use the VM backtrace until JDK-8141239 is resolved?
>> Yes, and as we discussed, I'd like to help with this.
>> Thanks!
>> Coleen

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