RFR (S) 8136500: Integer/Long getChars and stringSize should be more idiomatic

Fabian Lange lange.fabian at gmail.com
Sun Nov 22 19:01:44 UTC 2015

Hi Aleksey,

> > It might be reasonable to reorganize the code a bit:
> >
> >     int size = 0, i1 = i;
> >     if (i < 0) {
> >         if (i == Integer.MIN_VALUE)
> >             return "-2147483648";
> >         size = 1;
> >         i1 = -i;
> >     }
> >     size += stringSize(i1);
> >
> > First, we would skip one comparison of positive i with MIN_INT.
> Yes, I like this one. Grabbed a modified version of this approach.
Ivan proposed to apply the same comparison order change also to
I would chime in and also say maybe include also

Are you willing to include that in your change? Because its essentially the
same code.


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