RFR(m): JEP 269 initial API and skeleton implementation (JDK-8139232)

Paul Benedict pbenedict at apache.org
Tue Nov 24 16:06:40 UTC 2015

My comments:

*) List.of() says it returns "the newly created list" but it actually
returns the same empty list regardless. I don't think you want to imply a
new list is actually constructed for each call.
*) Map.of() same comment as above
*) Set.of() same comment as above
*) Map.of(1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9) initializes the map to mystery capacities that
aren't explained. Should that be explained in a // comment or {@implNote} ?
*) Map.ofEntries(Entry<K,V>... entries) no need for check loop var "e" for
null since referencing it in the next line will throw NPE if null
*) As the size of the method parameters grow, it becomes more burdensome to
know which was the duplicate key in a Map/Set. Is it too expensive to check
after each element addition so that can be identified in the exception
message (the position at least)?


On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 12:26 AM, Stuart Marks <stuart.marks at oracle.com>

> Hi all,
> Please review these API and implementation changes that comprise the first
> integration of JEP 269. I intend to push this under the "initial API and
> skeleton implementation" subtask, JDK-8139232.
> Changes since the previous review:
>  - more precise wording regarding static factory methods (thanks Remi)
>  - add defensive copy and test for List.of(E...) (thanks Michael Hixson)
>  - more null checking and tests
>  - various small wording cleanups
>  - @since 9
> I've left the fixed-arg overloads at ten for all three interfaces. The
> fixed-arg methods provide a useful fast path for initialization and
> non-desktop, non-server cases. The cost is some API clutter; ten elements
> or pairs is rather a lot. This number should be sufficient, though, to
> handle the vast majority of cases without having to switch to varargs. Note
> that the clutter is only in the API definitions, and it doesn't intrude
> into the point of call (at least for List and Set). For the Map case, it's
> particularly useful to have lots of fixed-arg overloads, since the varargs
> case requires switching APIs and adding more boilerplate.
> I've also updated the JEP text to reflect the current proposal, mainly the
> removal of the static factory methods from the concrete classes.
> JEP:
>         http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/269
> API spec (basically List, Map, and Set):
>         http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~smarks/reviews/jep269/api.20151123/
> Specdiff:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~smarks/reviews/jep269/specdiff.20151123/overview-summary.html
> Webrev:
>         http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~smarks/reviews/jep269/webrev.20151123/
> Thanks,
> s'marks

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