Spin Loop Hint support: Draft JEP proposal

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Tue Oct 6 08:16:50 UTC 2015

On 06/10/15 05:32, Gil Tene wrote:

> I don't think of this as platform specific. And it's not much lower
> level than e.g. some java.util.concurrent stuff (but probably
> doesn't belong in that package because it's not really about
> concurrency). I'm looking for a proper Java SE spec'ed way to do
> this. So sun.misc.* won't work. I'm sure we don't want another
> Unsafe for people to abuse...
> But naming the class and method is the smaller, easier detail. Right? ;-)

Sure.  I would have thought, though, that java.util.concurrent was a
natural home for this.  Is there any kind of userland spinlock which
is not about concurrency?


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