JEP 264: Platform Logging API and Service

Roger Riggs Roger.Riggs at
Tue Oct 6 13:53:46 UTC 2015


This case does not require a restriction.  This is not really a case of 
a singleton object.
I think the statement is a statement of fact.

The behavior should be attributed to the LoggerFinder.getLoggerFinder method
and not to the constructor of LoggerFinder.


On 10/6/2015 9:32 AM, Peter Levart wrote:
> On 10/05/2015 09:59 PM, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
>> Thanks Roger!
>> I have updated the specdiff online.
>> The only comment I haven't taken into account yet is this:
>> >   - the LoggerFinder constructor says "Only one instance will be 
>> created".
>> >     That applies to the normal static logger initialization
>> > (getLoggerFinder).
>> >     But there might be other cases where the application or service
>> > might create a LoggerFinder
>> >     for its own purposes, and the phrase is not accurate in that case.
>> I was wondering whether I should try enforcing this actually, by
>> throwing a ServiceConfigurationError or whatever if the
>> LoggerFinder service is already loaded when the constructor
>> is invoked.
>> We had trouble in the past with LogManager - because the spec
>> said there should be only one instance, but the implementation
>> did not enforce it.
>> It may be a bit different with LoggerFinder - as this is an
>> abstract class devoid of instance state (the only method with a
>> body is getLocalizedLogger and that's stateless) - so there may
>> not be as much harm as with LogManager.
>> There is probably no good way of implementing such enforcement
>> though - so it would be a best effort :-(
> Hi Daniel,
> Scala has singleton objects. Java hasn't. Your statement intrigued me 
> to think whether it would be possible to enforce a 
> one-instance-per-concrete-class rule in Java using just API. Here's a 
> prototype that I think does that. Can you think of a corner case that 
> fools it?
> /**
>  * An abstract base class for subclasses that can only have one instance
>  * per concrete subclass. Subclasses must define a public no-args 
> constructor
>  * which must never be called directly from code (it throws
>  * UnsupportedOperationException), but via the factory method:
>  * {@link #getInstance(Class)}.
>  */
> public abstract class ClassObject {
>     /**
>      * Lazily constructs and returns a singleton instance per given 
> concrete
>      * {@code ClassObject} subclass  or throws exception.
>      * Subclasses must define a public no-argument constructor. Multiple
>      * invocations of this method with same {@code clazz} parameter 
> either return
>      * the same instance or throw the same exception. The result of 
> this method
>      * is therefore stable for given parameter.
>      *
>      * @param clazz the Class representing concrete {@code 
> ClassObject} subclass
>      * @param <T>   the type of the {@code ClassObject} subclass
>      * @return a singleton instance for given {@code clazz}
>      * @throws InstantiationException see {@link Constructor#newInstance}
>      * @throws IllegalAccessException see {@link Constructor#newInstance}
>      * @throws InvocationTargetException see {@link 
> Constructor#newInstance}
>      */
>     public static <T extends ClassObject> T getInstance(Class<T> clazz)
>         throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, 
> InvocationTargetException {
>         return clazz.cast(factoryCV.get(clazz).get());
>     }
>     /**
>      * ClassObject constructor allows construction of a single 
> instance of
>      * {@code ClassObject} subclass per concrete subclass.
>      */
>     public ClassObject() {
>         Factory factory = factoryCV.get(getClass());
>         synchronized (factory) {
>             if (!factory.inConstruction) {
>                 throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
>                     "Direct construction of ClassObject instances is 
> not supported." +
>                     " Please use ClassObject.getInstance(Class) 
> instead.");
>             }
>             if (factory.constructed != null) {
>                 throw new IllegalStateException(
>                     "Attempt to instantiate a second " +
>                     getClass().getName() + " instance.");
>             }
>             factory.constructed = this;
>         }
>     }
>     /**
>      * A ClassValue cache of Factory instances per class
>      */
>     private static final ClassValue<Factory> factoryCV = new 
> ClassValue<Factory>() {
>         @Override
>         protected Factory computeValue(Class<?> clazz) {
>             return new Factory(clazz.asSubclass(ClassObject.class));
>         }
>     };
>     /**
>      * A Factory responsible for constructing and caching a singleton 
> instance
>      * of specified class.
>      */
>     private static final class Factory {
>         // the class of instance to construct
>         private final Class<? extends ClassObject> clazz;
>         // published instance or Throwable
>         private volatile Object instance;
>         // temporarily set to true while constructing and checked in 
> ClassObject constructor
>         boolean inConstruction;
>         // the just being constructed instance or Throwable, set in 
> ClassObject constructor
>         Object constructed;
>         Factory(Class<? extends ClassObject> clazz) {
>             this.clazz = clazz;
>         }
>         ClassObject get() throws InstantiationException, 
> IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
>             Object obj = instance;
>             if (obj == null) {
>                 synchronized (this) {
>                     obj = instance;
>                     if (obj == null) {
>                         if (constructed == null) {
>                             try {
>                                 Constructor<? extends ClassObject> 
> constructor =
> clazz.getDeclaredConstructor();
>                                 inConstruction = true;
>                                 constructor.newInstance();
>                             } catch (Throwable t) {
>                                 // override with construction 
> exception if thrown
>                                 constructed = t;
>                             } finally {
>                                 inConstruction = false;
>                             }
>                         }
>                         instance = obj = constructed;
>                         assert obj != null;
>                     }
>                 }
>             }
>             if (obj instanceof ClassObject) {
>                 return (ClassObject) obj;
>             }
> Factory.<InstantiationException>sneakyThrow((Throwable) obj);
>             // not reached
>             return null;
>         }
>         @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
>         private static <T extends Throwable> void 
> sneakyThrow(Throwable t) throws T {
>             throw (T) t;
>         }
>     }
> }
> I don't think it is very important to enforce such rule for services 
> provided via ServiceLoader since similar effect can be achieved by 
> treating the published abstract type only as a factory for a real 
> service which can then be initialized and cached as a singleton object 
> in the implementation itself. But that can not be enforced on the 
> system level. If the abstract type has state and you would want to 
> initialize it only once, ClassObject might be an answer. If 
> ClassObject abstract class was part of JDK, ServiceLoader would have 
> to special-case it's subclasses and invoke 
> ClassObject.getInstance(Class) instead of the no-arg constructor to 
> obtain the instance.
> Regards, Peter
>> best regards,
>> -- daniel
>> On 05/10/15 16:06, Roger Riggs wrote:
>>> Hi Daniel,
>>> This looks good, a few comments...
>>> j.l.System:
>>>    - the behaviors described by the @implNote in getLogger(name) and
>>>      @implSpec in getLogger(name, resourceBundle) seem like they should
>>> be consistent
>>>      for the two methods.
>>> System.Logger:
>>>   - log(level, throwable, Supplier) - to be more consistent, the
>>> Suppler<String> argument
>>>     should be before the Throwable argument.
>>>     Then in all cases the msg/string is before the Throwable.
>>> System.Logger.Level
>>>   - TRACE might be used for more than just method entry and exit,
>>> perhaps the description can be more
>>>     general: "usually used for diagnostic information."
>>> LoggerFinder:
>>>   - should the CONTROL_PERMISSION field be renamed to
>>>   - the LoggerFinder constructor says "Only one instance will be 
>>> created".
>>>     That applies to the normal static logger initialization
>>> (getLoggerFinder).
>>>     But there might be other cases where the application or service
>>> might create a LoggerFinder
>>>     for its own purposes, and the phrase is not accurate in that case.
>>> Editorial:
>>>   - The @since tags can be set to "9".
>>>   - "JVM" -> "Java runtime";  JVM would specifically refer to the
>>> virtual machine implementation.   (j.u.System.LoggerFinder)
>>>   - "used by the JDK" can be omitted. (j.u.System.LoggerFinder)
>>>     When used in the context of the JDK documentation itself it seems
>>> out of place and is unnecessary.
>>>   - the word 'actually' can/should be omitted from descriptions.
>>> (j.l.System)
>>> Thanks, Roger
>>> On 10/5/2015 6:54 AM, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
>>>>> New JEP Candidate:
>>>> Hi I have uploaded an initial prototype specdiff:
>>>> LoggerFinder methods that take a Class<?> caller argument
>>>> will take a java.lang.reflect.Module callerModule instead when
>>>> that is  available in jdk9/dev.
>>>> comments welcome,
>>>> best regards,
>>>> -- daniel

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