RFR 9: 8138696 : java.lang.ref.Cleaner - an easy to use alternative to finalization

Roger Riggs Roger.Riggs at Oracle.com
Tue Oct 6 18:20:55 UTC 2015

Hi Peter,

Well spotted, the timeout is the easiest solution, and it will happen 
The timeout can be quite long to avoid a 'polling' tax.  Perhaps 60 seconds.

Thanks, Roger

On 10/6/2015 12:06 PM, Peter Levart wrote:
> Hi Roger (again, sorry)!
> I think I found a race in the implementation which could leave the 
> Cleaner thread run forever:
>  238         public void run() {
>  239             Thread t = Thread.currentThread();
>  240             ManagedLocalsThread mlThread = (t instanceof 
> ManagedLocalsThread)
>  241                     ? (ManagedLocalsThread)t
>  242                     : null;
>  243             while (!phantomCleanableList.isEmpty() ||
>  244                     !weakCleanableList.isEmpty() ||
>  245                     !softCleanableList.isEmpty()) {
>  246                 if (mlThread != null) {
>  247                     // Cleanable the thread locals
>  248                     mlThread.eraseThreadLocals();
>  249                 }
>  250                 try {
>  251                     Cleanable ref = (Cleanable) queue.remove();
>  252                     ref.clean();
>  253                 } catch (InterruptedException i) {
>  254                     continue;   // ignore the interruption
>  255                 } catch (Throwable e) {
>  256                     // ignore exceptions from the cleanup thunk
>  257                 }
>  258             }
>  259         }
> Suppose the Cleaner instance has already been collected and it's 
> associated PhantomCleanableRef has already been removed from 
> phantomCleanableList. Let weakCleanableList and softCleanableList be 
> (already) empty too. Let there be some last PhantomCleanableRefefence 
> in the phantomCleanableList. while condition is therefore true, so the 
> Cleaner thread enters loop and blocks at queue.remove(). Now some user 
> thread clean()s or clear()s the remaining PhantomCleanableRefefence 
> before it's referent is found phantom reachable by GC and removes the 
> Reference from the list. This reference will never be enqueued by 
> GC+ReferenceHandler, so queue.remove() will block forever.
> The simplest fix would be to use a remove() with a timeout in this 
> situation.
> Regards, Peter
> On 10/06/2015 12:11 AM, Roger Riggs wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Building on Peter's code to provide subclassable CleanableReferences, 
>> I rearranged
>> the implementation a bit to make it easier to maintain.
>> The CleanableReferences subclasses are nested inside the Cleaner to 
>> make the scoping clear.
>> Please review and comment:
>> Webrev:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rriggs/webrev-cleaner-extensible-8138696/
>> javadoc:
>>   http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rriggs/cleaner-doc2/
>> Thanks, Roger
>> On 10/2/2015 11:34 AM, Roger Riggs wrote:
>>> Hi Peter,
>>> Great comments, thanks for  looking into this...
>>> On 10/2/2015 7:52 AM, Peter Levart wrote:
>>>> Hi Roger,
>>>> This is a nice and clean API. I like the trick with embedding a 
>>>> private CleanerImpl in Cleaner and registering Cleaner itself as a 
>>>> tracked object so that automatic thread termination can be 
>>>> performed in a safe manner. You say the scope of this is not to 
>>>> replace internal usages of sun.misc.Cleaner. But if they ever get 
>>>> replaced, there are two differences between the implementations to 
>>>> note:
>>>> - sun.misc.Cleaner thunks get executed by a ReferenceHandler thread 
>>>> directly and bypass ReferenceQueue-ing. This might be OK for 
>>>> internal use, but not appropriate for public API. I doubt this 
>>>> sun.misc.Cleaner exception in ReferenceHandler is necessary though.
>>>> - With sun.misc.Cleaner one has to create a minimum of 2 additional 
>>>> objects per tracked object: the Cleaner object and a Runnable 
>>>> thunk. This API requires creation of 3 objects per tracked object: 
>>>> the Cleanup object, the internal Reference object and a Runnable 
>>>> thunk.
>>>> Do you think Cleaner will not be used in scenarios where this 
>>>> additional footprint matters?
>>> I don't have any particular data on that point.  When used with 
>>> lambda or method references for
>>> the thunk, it is likely there will be some binding overhead.
>>>> It might be possible to merge the roles of Cleanup and Reference 
>>>> into one object, like this:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~plevart/jdk9-dev/Cleaner/Cleaner.java
>>>> Making Cleanup an interface, internal Reference(s) can implement 
>>>> it. One can cast a Cleanup instance to a Reference and invoke it's 
>>>> other methods, but this can be prevented by throwing 
>>>> UnsupportedOperationException from them, so nobody is tempted to 
>>>> employ this implementation detail.
>>> I prototyped a similar implementation but backed it out due to the 
>>> code duplication and complexity.
>>> It also seemed a poor choice to break the contract of Reference by 
>>> throwing UnsupportedOperationException
>>> on the unneeded but exposed methods since they could not be 
>>> completely encapsulated.
>>> It seemed cleaner to have only a concrete type that was exposed to 
>>> the clients.
>>> BTW, the code in you cleaner might be simpler if the cleaner lists 
>>> for each of the three types were separate.
>>> (The entries don't need to be intermixed).  That could simplify the 
>>> virtual next/prev access but would still be
>>> duplicating the linked list management code).
>>> There could be multiple insertXXX methods so the casts were not 
>>> necessary.
>>>> There might be utility in exposing Cleanup (or better named 
>>>> Cleanable) References as public abstract classes so that a 
>>>> footprint sensitive application (for example in a data structure 
>>>> with many elements) is possible. By subclassing such an abstract 
>>>> reference and implementing the abstract method, a single object is 
>>>> required per tracked object. Here I derived a proof of concept from 
>>>> your code:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~plevart/jdk9-dev/Cleaner/webrev.01/
>>>> The simple API is unchanged and there is additional low-level API 
>>>> that can be used if footprint matters.
>>>> What do you think?
>>> I see what you're getting at.  I would probably try to rearrange it 
>>> so that only the performMethod
>>> could be overridden.   Overriding clean() and clear() might disable 
>>> the list management
>>> and reduce the robustness.
>>> I'll take another look, I was most concerned with simplicity, but if 
>>> the overhead for the number
>>> of the objects is a concern that can be traded off against a more 
>>> complex implementation.
>>> Thanks, Roger
>>>> Regards, Peter
>>>> On 10/01/2015 04:12 PM, Roger Riggs wrote:
>>>>> Please review a proposal for public Cleaner API:
>>>>> A Cleaner is proposed to provide an easy to use alternative to 
>>>>> finalization. The service would provide easy registration and 
>>>>> cancellation of cleanup functions for objects. Applications create 
>>>>> a cleanup service for their own use and the service terminates 
>>>>> when it is no longer in use.
>>>>> Finalization has a long history of issues both in usage and 
>>>>> performance. PhantomReferences have been proposed as the 
>>>>> alternative GC based mechanism for cleaning functions but it has 
>>>>> been left as an exercise to the developer to construct the 
>>>>> necessary mechanisms to handle ReferenceQueues, handle threading 
>>>>> issues and robust termination.
>>>>> The Cleaner performs cleaning functions when objects are 
>>>>> unreachable as found by garbage collection using the existing 
>>>>> mechanisms of PhantomReference, WeakReference, SoftReferences, and 
>>>>> ReferenceQueues. It manages a thread that dequeues references to 
>>>>> unreachable objects and invokes the corresponding cleaning 
>>>>> function. Registered cleaning functions can be cleared if no 
>>>>> longer needed, can be invoked explicitly to perform the cleanup 
>>>>> immediately, or be invoked when the object is not reachable (as 
>>>>> detected by garbage collection) and handled by a cleanup thread.
>>>>> The java.lang.ref package is proposed for the Cleaner because it 
>>>>> is complementary to the reference classes and reference queues and 
>>>>> to make it easy to find.
>>>>> It is not a goal to replace all uses of finalization or 
>>>>> sun.misc.Cleaner in the JDK.
>>>>> Investigation will evaluate if and in what cases the Cleaner can 
>>>>> replace finalization.
>>>>> A subsequent task will examine uses of finalization and propose 
>>>>> specific changes
>>>>> on a case by base basis.
>>>>> Please review and comment:
>>>>> Javadoc:
>>>>>   http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rriggs/cleaner-doc/
>>>>> Webrev:
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rriggs/webrev-cleaner-8138696/
>>>>> Issue:
>>>>>    https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8138696
>>>>> Thanks, Roger

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