8139891: Prepare Unsafe for true encapsulation

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Mon Oct 26 02:02:14 UTC 2015

On 26/10/2015 11:49 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
> On 26/10/2015 01:41, David Holmes wrote:
>>> If you are in agreement, is it best to move this first step on and
>>> push it into hs-rt. I can then follow up with the additional steps:
>>> hotspot test updates in hs-rt, and the library changes in jdk9/dev,
>>> in parallel.
>> I would have expected all changes to stay together in the same forest
>> (hs-rt), so I'm not clear what additional library changes in jdk9/dev
>> you are referring to here.
> It all looks fine to me too. Once this first phase gets to jdk9/dev then
> the rest of the library code using sun.misc.Unsafe can be switched to
> the jdk.internal version. They could move in the first phase too but
> that makes it a bigger patch so I think Chris has wisely limited the
> library changes to just those that are using methods that are new in 9.

Thanks Alan! Phased approach is perfectly fine and understandable, but 
waiting till phase 1 hits jdk9/dev will introduce a delay that need not 
occur if phase 2 also goes to hs-rt. Up to Chris of course - he may have 
other things to keep him busy until these changes propagate. :)


> -Alan

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