Suggested fix for JDK-4724038 (Add unmap method to MappedByteBuffer)

Vitaly Davidovich vitalyd at
Thu Sep 10 18:52:05 UTC 2015

To be fair, this one sounds like it would initiate an orderly/graceful
shutdown whereas a bug in JNI/Unsafe kills it almost instantly (modulo
error reporting/core dumping) :)

On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 2:47 PM, Dawid Weiss <dawid.weiss at> wrote:

> > there're already ways to bring down the JVM (e.g. JNI, existing Unsafe
> usage, etc),
> If you can somehow pass switches to the JVM, this one wins my personal
> beauty contest (from globals.hpp):
> product(intx, SelfDestructTimer, 0,                                       \
>           "Will cause VM to terminate after a given time (in minutes) "
>  \
>           "(0 means off)")
> Dawid

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