Space before comma

Roger Riggs Roger.Riggs at
Mon Sep 14 17:23:13 UTC 2015

Hi Ahmed,

Such a changeset doesn't add much value by itself.  Have you looked for 
some small scale
bug that would be interesting?  Try looking for issues with a label like 
jdk-starter. [1]

Pick something that seems obvious and you feel you can completely understand
the issue, how to write a test first to prove its an issue, and then the 
bug fix
that passes the test.


[1] query like:  labels in (starter, starterbugs, starterbug, 
starter_bugs, starter_bug, starter-bug, starter-bugs, openjdk-starter, 
jdk-starter) AND resolution = unresolved

On 9/14/2015 7:05 AM, Ahmed Ashour wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like to prepare a patch for removing space before comma in .java files of 'jdk9/dev/jdk'.  Of course, there are places where spaces are needed for vertical alignment with previous/next lines.
> Would that add a value, or there is no need for such a patch?
> P.S. I signed the OCA
> Thanks,Ahmed

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