RFR - 8133249: Occasional SIGSEGV: non thread-safe use of strerr in getLastErrorString

Christos Zoulas christos at zoulas.com
Mon Sep 21 16:32:56 UTC 2015

On Sep 21,  4:53pm, rob.mckenna at oracle.com (Rob McKenna) wrote:
-- Subject: RFR - 8133249: Occasional SIGSEGV: non thread-safe use of strerr 

| Hi folks,
| Requesting a review of this change which switches corelibs usages of the 
| thread-unsafe strerror over to strerror_r/strerror_s:
| http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~robm/8133249/webrev.01/

I like this change, but in jdk_strerror.c:

1. Why are you using "errno" instead of "err" in the linux strerror_r()
2. Isn't the "Unknown error" test going to break on non-english locales?



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