RFR (xxs): Fix @bug in sun/misc/Version/Version.java

Iris Clark iris.clark at oracle.com
Tue Sep 22 03:51:56 UTC 2015


Please review the following 1 character change to address this bug:

    8136875: Fix @bug in sun/misc/Version/Version.java

When 8134365 was fixed, it inadvertently used a `,` in the list of bugids in the @bug line.  This is the required diff:

--- a/test/sun/misc/Version/Version.java 
+++ b/test/sun/misc/Version/Version.java 
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ 

 /* @test 
- * @bug 6994413, 8134365 
+ * @bug 6994413 8134365 
  * @summary Check the JDK and JVM version returned by sun.misc.Version 
  * matches the versions defined in the system properties. 
  * Should use the API described in JDK-8136651 when available 

The regression test now passes as expected.


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