RFR - 8133249: Occasional SIGSEGV: non thread-safe use of strerr in getLastErrorString

Christos Zoulas christos at zoulas.com
Wed Sep 23 00:43:04 UTC 2015

On Sep 21, 10:38pm, rob.mckenna at oracle.com (Rob McKenna) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: RFR - 8133249: Occasional SIGSEGV: non thread-safe use of str

| I'll have a new webrev up soon that addresses the first comment and 
| Rogers feedback.

You know, given the complexity of the strerror_r() hacks to make it behave,
perhaps it is better to just:

#ifdef linux and other posix/xopen/foo
extern int __xpg_strerror_r(int, char *, size_t);
#define strerror_r(a, b, c) __xpg_strerror_r((a), (b), (c))

and eliminate all the rest of the ugliness, leaving the WIN32 ifdefs.


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