P.S.: RFR [9] 8133651: automated replacing of old-style tags in docs
Alexander Stepanov
alexander.v.stepanov at oracle.com
Tue Sep 29 10:21:28 UTC 2015
Updated: a few manual corrections were made (as @linkplain tags displays
nested {@code } literally):
-checked with specdiff (which of course does not cover documentation for
internal packages), no unexpected diffs detected.
On 9/27/2015 4:52 PM, Alexander Stepanov wrote:
> Hello Martin,
> Here is some simple app. to replace <code></code> tags with a new-style {@code } one (which is definitely not so elegant as the Perl one-liners):
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~avstepan/tmp/codeTags/SimpleTagEditor.java
> Corresponding patch for jdk and replacement log (~62k of the tag changes):
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~avstepan/tmp/codeTags/jdk.patch
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~avstepan/tmp/codeTags/replace.log
> (sorry, I have to check the correctness of the patch with specdiff yet, so this is rather demo at the moment).
> Don't know if these changes (cosmetic by nature) are desired for now or not. Moreover, probably some part of them should go to another repos (e.g., awt, swing -> "client" instead of "dev").
> Regards,
> Alexander
> ----- Исходное сообщение -----
> От: alexander.v.stepanov at oracle.com
> Кому: martinrb at google.com
> Копия: core-libs-dev at openjdk.java.net
> Отправленные: Четверг, 24 Сентябрь 2015 г 16:06:56 GMT +03:00 Москва, Санкт-Петербург, Волгоград
> Тема: Re: RFR [9] 8133651: replace some <tt> tags (obsolete in html5) in core-libs docs
> Hello Martin,
> Thank you for review and for the notes!
> > I'm biased of course, but I like the approach I took with
> blessed-modifier-order:
> > - make the change completely automated
> > - leave "human editing" for a separate change
> > - publish the code used to make the automated change (in my case,
> typically a perl one-liner)
> Automated replacement has an obvious advantage: it is fast and massive.
> But there are some disadvantages at the same time (just IMHO).
> Using script it is quite easy to miss some not very trivial cases, e.g.:
> - remove unnecessary linebreaks, like
> * <tt>someCode
> * </tt>
> (which would be better to replace with single-line {@code someCode};
> - joining of successive terms, like "<tt>ONE</tt>, <tt>TWO</tt>,
> <tt>THREE</tt>" -> "{@code ONE, TWO, THREE}";
> - errors like extra or missing "<" or ">": * <tt>Collection
> <T></tt>", - there were a lot of them;
> - some cases when <tt></tt> should be replaced with <code></code>, not
> {@code } (e.g. because of unicode characters inside of code etc.);
> - extra tags inside of <tt> or <code> which should be moved outside of
> {@code }, like <tt><i>someCode</i></tt> or <tt><b>someCode</b></tt>;
> - simple removing of needless tags, like "<tt>{@link ...}</tt>" ->
> "{@link ...}";
> - replace HTML codes with symbols ('<', '>', '@', ...)
> - etc.
> - plus some other formatting changes and fixes for misprints which would
> be omitted during the automated replacement (and wouldn't be done in
> future manually because there is no motivation for repeated processing).
> So sometimes it may be difficult to say where is the border between
> "trivial" and "human-editing" cases (and the portion of "non-trivial
> cases" is definitely not minor); moreover, even the automated
> replacement requires the subsequent careful review before publishing of
> webrev (as well as by reviewers who probably wouldn't be happy to review
> hundreds of files at the same time) and iterative checks/corrections.
> specdiff is very useful for this task but also cannot fully cover the
> diffs (as some changes are situated in the internal com/... sun/...
> packages).
> Moreover, I'm sure that some reviewers would be annoyed with the fact
> that some (quite simple) changes were postponed because they are "not
> too trivial to be fixed just now" (because they will suspect they would
> be postponed forever). So the patch creator would (probably) receive
> some advices during the review like "please fix also fix this and that"
> (which is normal, of course).
> So my preference was to make the changes package by package (in some
> reasonable amount of files) not postponing part of the changes for the
> future (sorry for these boring repeating review requests). Please note
> that all the above mentioned is *rather explanation of my motivation
> than objection* :) (and of course I used some text editor replace
> automation which is surely not so advanced as Perl).
> > It's probably correct, but I would have left it out of this change
> Yes, I see. Reverted (please update the web page):
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~avstepan/8133651/jdk.00/index.html
> Thanks,
> Alexander
> P.S. The <tt> replacement job is mostly (I guess, ~80%) complete. But
> probably this approach should be used if some similar replacement task
> for, e.g., <code></code> tags would be planned in future (there are
> thousands of them).
> On 9/24/2015 6:10 AM, Martin Buchholz wrote:
>> On Sat, Sep 19, 2015 at 6:58 AM, Alexander Stepanov
>> <alexander.v.stepanov at oracle.com
>> <mailto:alexander.v.stepanov at oracle.com>> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Could you please review the following fix
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~avstepan/8133651/jdk.00/
>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Eavstepan/8133651/jdk.00/>
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~avstepan/8133651/jaxws.00/index.html
>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Eavstepan/8133651/jaxws.00/index.html>
>> for
>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8133651
>> Just another portion of deprecated <tt> (and <xmp>) tags replaced
>> with {@code }. Some misprints were also fixed.
>> I'm biased of course, but I like the approach I took with
>> blessed-modifier-order:
>> - make the change completely automated
>> - leave "human editing" for a separate change
>> - publish the code used to make the automated change (in my case,
>> typically a perl one-liner)
>> The following (expected) changes were detected by specdiff:
>> - removed needless dashes in java.util.Locale,
>> - removed needless curly brace in xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementRef
>> I would do a separate automated "removed needless dashes" changeset.
>> Please let me know if the following changes are desirable or not:
>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~avstepan/8133651/jdk.00/src/jdk.jconsole/share/classes/sun/tools/jconsole/Formatter.java.udiff.html
>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Eavstepan/8133651/jdk.00/src/jdk.jconsole/share/classes/sun/tools/jconsole/Formatter.java.udiff.html>
>> This is an actual change to the behavior of this code - the
>> maintainers of jconsole need to approve it. It's probably correct,
>> but I would have left it out of this change. If you remove it, then I
>> approve this change.
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