RFR [9] 8137058: Clear out all non-Critical APIs from sun.reflect and move to jdk.unsupported
Chris Hegarty
chris.hegarty at oracle.com
Thu Apr 14 15:38:03 UTC 2016
The webrev has been updated in-place
All 'core', 'pit', and 'hotspot' testsets have been successfully run on
Mac, Linux, Windows, and Solaris.
On 13 Apr 2016, at 18:43, Mandy Chung <mandy.chung at oracle.com> wrote:
>>> This patch will likely impact existing libraries that filter out reflection frames (IIRC Groovy and log4j may be examples) doing Class::getName().startsWith(“sun.reflect”). It may worth call out this incompatibility in JEP 260.
I added the following note to the Risks and Assumptions section of JEP 260:
Beyond the proposed critical APIs for `sun.reflect`, said package contains
the machinery that implements the `java.lang(.reflect)` subsystem. That
machinery will be moved to an internal, non-exported, package in the base
module. Consequently, the stack trace of reflective calls will appear
somewhat different. That is, stack frames that represent the reflective
implementation will see their class name ( `StackTraceElement.getClassName()` )
change from `sun.reflect.XXX` to `jdk.internal.reflect.XXX`. Any code
analysing, or filtering, based on the stack trace element's class name
should be updated appropriately, to handle this. See
[8137058](https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8137058) for further
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