[8u] request for approval: "8152172: PPC64: Support AES intrinsics"

Seán Coffey sean.coffey at oracle.com
Wed Aug 3 11:32:01 UTC 2016

On 02/08/16 20:47, Volker Simonis wrote:
> Hi Sean,
> thanks a lot for your reply.
> You're right - I'm still waiting for a review of the hotspot part. Any
> volunteers :)
OK - would be good to get a hotspot reviewer to look at those first.
> Regarding the noreg label: I used 'noreg-other' because there already
> exist AES tests (they have never been part of this original change).
> Is that the right label? There are simply too many different noreg
> labels without documentation so if I selected the wrong one, please
> advice which one to choose.
noreg labels are documented at : 
noreg-other seems fine. You might want to add a short comment to bug 
outlining your comment on existing AES tests.

> Thanks,
> Volker
> On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 9:58 AM, Seán Coffey <sean.coffey at oracle.com> wrote:
>> Volker,
>> Have the jdk8u hotspot edits been reviewed ? Looks like they should be.
>> Can you add a suitable noreg label to the master bug report also.
>> Regards,
>> Sean.
>> On 29/07/2016 19:58, Volker Simonis wrote:
>>> Ping!
>>> Can I please have an approval for backporting this change to 8u-dev?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Volker
>>> On Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 11:08 AM, Volker Simonis
>>> <volker.simonis at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> could you please approve the backport of the following, mostly ppc64
>>>> change to jdk8u-dev:
>>>> 8152172: PPC64: Support AES intrinsics
>>>> Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8152172
>>>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~simonis/webrevs/2016/8152172_8u_hs/
>>>> Webrev http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~simonis/webrevs/2016/8152172_8u_jdk/
>>>> Review:
>>>> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/hotspot-compiler-dev/2016-March/thread.html#22032
>>>> URL:http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk9/hs-comp/jdk/rev/74bc7be0777b
>>>> URL:http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk9/hs-comp/hotspot/rev/68394bf0a09f
>>>> As you can see, the change consists of two parts - the main one in the
>>>> hotpsot repo and a small part in the jdk repo.
>>>> The jdk part applied cleanly to jdk8u (with the usual directory
>>>> shuffling).
>>>> The hotspot part required a small tweak, but only in the ppc-only
>>>> part. This is because the feature detection for the AES instructions
>>>> was already active in jdk9 when the original change was made but is
>>>> not available in jdk8u until now. You can find the additional changes
>>>> at the end of this mail for your convenience.
>>>> The required shared changes cleanly apply to jdk8u.
>>>> As Vladimir pointed out in a previous thread, shared Hotspot changes
>>>> have to go through JPRT even in jdk8u-dev. So I need a sponsor to do
>>>> that and synchronously push both parts.
>>>> @Hiroshii: could you please verify that you are fine with the change?
>>>> I've done some tests on Power8LE but just want to be sure this
>>>> downport satisfies your needs as well.
>>>> Thank you and best regards,
>>>> Volker
>>>> =====================
>>>> diff -r 15928d255046 src/cpu/ppc/vm/vm_version_ppc.cpp
>>>> --- a/src/cpu/ppc/vm/vm_version_ppc.cpp Wed Jul 13 00:47:40 2016 -0700
>>>> +++ b/src/cpu/ppc/vm/vm_version_ppc.cpp Fri Jul 22 10:32:36 2016 +0200
>>>> @@ -452,6 +476,7 @@
>>>>      a->popcntw(R7, R5);                          // code[7] -> popcntw
>>>>      a->fcfids(F3, F4);                           // code[8] -> fcfids
>>>>      a->vand(VR0, VR0, VR0);                      // code[9] -> vand
>>>> +  a->vcipher(VR0, VR1, VR2);                   // code[10] -> vcipher
>>>>      a->blr();
>>>>      // Emit function to set one cache line to zero. Emit function
>>>> descriptor and get pointer to it.
>>>> @@ -495,6 +520,7 @@
>>>>      if (code[feature_cntr++]) features |= popcntw_m;
>>>>      if (code[feature_cntr++]) features |= fcfids_m;
>>>>      if (code[feature_cntr++]) features |= vand_m;
>>>> +  if (code[feature_cntr++]) features |= vcipher_m;
>>>>      // Print the detection code.
>>>>      if (PrintAssembly) {
>>>> diff -r 15928d255046 src/cpu/ppc/vm/vm_version_ppc.hpp
>>>> --- a/src/cpu/ppc/vm/vm_version_ppc.hpp Wed Jul 13 00:47:40 2016 -0700
>>>> +++ b/src/cpu/ppc/vm/vm_version_ppc.hpp Fri Jul 22 10:32:36 2016 +0200
>>>> @@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
>>>>        fcfids,
>>>>        vand,
>>>>        dcba,
>>>> +    vcipher,
>>>>        num_features // last entry to count features
>>>>      };
>>>>      enum Feature_Flag_Set {
>>>> @@ -56,6 +57,7 @@
>>>>        fcfids_m              = (1 << fcfids ),
>>>>        vand_m                = (1 << vand   ),
>>>>        dcba_m                = (1 << dcba   ),
>>>> +    vcipher_m             = (1 << vcipher),
>>>>        all_features_m        = -1
>>>>      };
>>>>      static int  _features;
>>>> @@ -83,6 +85,7 @@
>>>>      static bool has_fcfids()  { return (_features & fcfids_m) != 0; }
>>>>      static bool has_vand()    { return (_features & vand_m) != 0; }
>>>>      static bool has_dcba()    { return (_features & dcba_m) != 0; }
>>>> +  static bool has_vcipher() { return (_features & vcipher_m) != 0; }
>>>>      static const char* cpu_features() { return _features_str; }

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