RFR: 6543126: Level.known can leak memory

Peter Levart peter.levart at gmail.com
Tue Aug 16 12:05:14 UTC 2016

Hi Daniel,

Passing Stream<Level> returning extractors to Stream::flatMap is one way 
of doing it. The other would be to make findByXXX methods return 
Optional<KnownLevel> and then use Optional::map method on the result to 
extract the needed property, so instead of:

     Optional<Level> level = findByName(name, KnownLevel::referent);

You could simply make findByName return Optional<KnownLevel> and then:

     Optional<Level> level = findByName(name).map(Reference::get);

Just plain null-when-absent-returning getters used with Optional::map 
would do.

Regards, Peter

On 08/16/2016 12:42 PM, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
> Hi Mandy,
> I added an additional selector parameter to the find methods.
> This made it possible to return Optional<Level> instead of
> KnownLevel - and it does simply the parse() method.
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dfuchs/webrev_6543126/webrev.02
> best regards,
> -- daniel
> On 11/08/16 20:12, Mandy Chung wrote:
>>> On Aug 11, 2016, at 2:29 AM, Daniel Fuchs <daniel.fuchs at oracle.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>> On 10/08/16 17:21, Mandy Chung wrote:
>>>>> On Jul 29, 2016, at 4:54 AM, Daniel Fuchs 
>>>>> <daniel.fuchs at oracle.com> wrote:
>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dfuchs/webrev_6543126/webrev.01/
>>>> This looks pretty good.
>>>> Since KnownLevel is now a Reference, I suggest to change 
>>>> KnownLevel::findByName, findByValue and findByLocalizedLevelName to 
>>>> return Optional<Level> instead such that the parse method 
>>>> implementaiton could be simplified.
>>> We need to return KnownLevel because sometimes we need the
>>> level object and sometimes the mirror.
>> So either findByName(String name, boolean mirror) or two methods: 
>> findLevelByName and findMirroredLevelByName??
>> Or seriously consider to remove KnownLevel class by introducing a new 
>> Level subclass with final Level.getName, Level.getLocalizedName, 
>> Level.getResourceBundleName methods??
>> Mandy

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