Can't get Platform Logging to work

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at
Fri Aug 19 15:16:30 UTC 2016

Hi Nicolai,

Log messages emitted by the JVM are not emitted through
the System.Logger API. JEP 264 is a pure Java API which
aims at replacing the sun.util.logging.PlatformLogger

I believe what you are looking for is JEP 158
Unified JVM Logging [1]

best regards,

-- daniel


On 19/08/16 16:05, Nicolai Parlog wrote:
>  Hi!
> I'm trying out JEP 264: Platform Logging API and Service but can't get
> it to work (or misunderstood something).
> My understanding is that the JVM should use the provided LoggerFinder to
> log its own messages. So when I start with "-verbose:gc" I expected the
> message "Using G1" to go through my logger implementation - but it doesn't.
> I've set up a demo project[1], in which I'm creating a modules `logger`,
> which provides `LoggerFinder`, and `app`, which holds the started
> application. I launch with:
> 	java -verbose:gc -mp out/mods -m
> The messages I send from the app module go through my logger, so the
> service module gets picked up. But the G1 message doesn't. :( I noticed
> that the docs[2] say this:
>> First it finds any custom LoggerFinder provider using the
> ServiceLoader facility with the system class loader.
> Do I have to do anything differently to make my service available to the
> system class loader?
> On a tangent, I also wondered what would be the preferred way to log
> from inside my code. Should I use System::getLogger directly?
> 	Logger logger = System.getLogger("Application");
> 	logger.log(Level.INFO, "Hello, World!");
>  so long ... Nicolai
> [1]
> [2]

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