RFR: 8170595: Optimize Class.isAnonymousClass

Claes Redestad claes.redestad at oracle.com
Fri Dec 2 14:29:04 UTC 2016


On 2016-12-01 22:25, Claes Redestad wrote:
> On 12/01/2016 10:21 AM, Mandy Chung wrote:
>>> On Dec 1, 2016, at 9:52 AM, Claes Redestad 
>>> <claes.redestad at oracle.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> good suggestion, this tidies up a bit while not affecting score:
>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~redestad/8170595/webrev.02
>> I like this better.  It may be useful to add a private isTopLevel 
>> Class() for  getSimpleBinaryName to call that will benefit 
>> getSimpleName and isMemberClass?
> Good idea, but this seems like an independent optimization we should 
> do as a separate follow-up, no?

Found that both isMemberClass and isLocalClass can be optimized in a 
vein very similar to isAnonymousClass. isTopLevelClass helps
getSimpleBinaryName a bit, and makes sense to implement for 
completeness. After deeper testing it's clear that one of the
costlier operations in this code is getDeclaringClass0, which may spend 
plenty of time (~30ns/op for String.class) in the VM walking the
list of inner classes to find the enclosing class - if any.

A very small improvement can also be attained by restructuring code so 
that we don't instantiate the EnclosingMethodInfo
unless it's needed, but keep the checking to keep semantically identical 


This brings significant improvements to some variants:

Benchmark                       Mode  Cnt    Score    Error  Units
Clazz.isAnonymousClass_Anon     avgt   25  211.010 ± 22.974  ns/op
Clazz.isAnonymousClass_Regular  avgt   25  132.198 ± 23.817  ns/op
Clazz.isMemberClass_Anon        avgt   25  336.149 ± 43.215  ns/op
Clazz.isMemberClass_Regular     avgt   25   92.502 ±  9.804  ns/op
Clazz.isLocalClass_Anon         avgt   25  326.158 ± 34.051  ns/op
Clazz.isLocalClass_Regular      avgt   25   32.086 ±  2.750  ns/op

Benchmark                       Mode  Cnt    Score    Error  Units
Clazz.isAnonymousClass_Anon     avgt   25  174.526 ± 16.292  ns/op
Clazz.isAnonymousClass_Regular  avgt   25   33.136 ±  2.636  ns/op
Clazz.isMemberClass_Anon        avgt   25  115.029 ±  9.464  ns/op
Clazz.isMemberClass_Regular     avgt   25   85.706 ±  3.984  ns/op
Clazz.isLocalClass_Anon         avgt   25  177.411 ± 22.927  ns/op
Clazz.isLocalClass_Regular      avgt   25   31.940 ±  2.346  ns/op

Since the changes are all similar but still not too expansive, I'm 
leaning towards just keeping this
change in one bug.


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