potential error in fdlibm asin

Andrew Haley aph at redhat.com
Mon Dec 5 10:10:20 UTC 2016

On 02/12/16 14:24, Lindenmaier, Goetz wrote:
> I found one copy of this code in the internet where the "else" is removed,
> but it's not completely the same:
> https://github.com/jerryscript-project/jerryscript/blob/master/jerry-libm/asin.c
> Does anybody have the knowledge to tell me what's wrong?  
> Does anybody know how to contribute a fix to netlib fdlibm?

I think the only way to proceed with this is to find an input argument
which is affected by this very odd code.  If there is one. does it
give a correct or an incorrect result?  If not, we don't care and it
can be tidied up later.


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