RFR 9: 8170291 : Unpredictable results of j.i.ObjectInputFilter::createFilter

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at oracle.com
Wed Dec 7 11:46:36 UTC 2016

Hi Roger,

What about adding a bit of leeway in the reason for which
IAE can be thrown. Here is the text from your webrev:

  359          * @throws IllegalArgumentException If any of the 
following is true:
  360          * <ul>
  361          * <li>   if a limit is missing the name or the name is 
not one of
  362          *        "maxdepth", "maxrefs", "maxbytes", or "maxarray"
  363          * <li>   if the value of the limit can not be parsed by
  364          *        {@link Long#parseLong Long.parseLong} or is negative
  365          * <li>   if the pattern contains "/" and the module name 
is missing
  366          *        or the remaining pattern is empty
  367          * <li>   if the package is missing for ".*" and ".**"
  368          * </ul>

could it be amended to something like:

@throws IllegalArgumentException if the pattern string is illegal or
         malformed and cannot be parsed.
         In particular, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown
         if any of the following is true: ...

best regards,

-- daniel

On 06/12/16 22:04, Roger Riggs wrote:
> Please review a few additional clarifications to the ObjectInputFilter
> specification for generating
> a filter from a pattern and use in ObjectInputStream plus related test
> updates.
> Webrev:
>   http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rriggs/webrev-createfilter-8170287/
> Thanks, Roger

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