RFR 8168979: @implNote for invalid FilePermission

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at oracle.com
Mon Dec 12 10:03:29 UTC 2016

Hi Max,

Don't count me as reviewer - but I see a mismatched comment
in the file:

  209     /**
  210      * Creates FilePermission objects with special internals.
  211      * See {@link FilePermCompat#newPermPlusAltPath(Permission)} and
  212      * {@link FilePermCompat#newPermUsingAltPath(Permission)}.
  213      */
  215     private static final Path here = builtInFS.getPath(
  216             GetPropertyAction.privilegedGetProperty("user.dir"));

I guess the comment is a left over from some merge or previous fix?

Also I noticed the following later on:

  541      * invalid {@code FilePermission}. Even if two {@code 
  542      * are created with the same invalid path, one does imply the 

should this be:

     Even if two {@code FilePermission} are created with the same
     invalid path, one does *not* imply the other.

best regards,

-- daniel

On 12/12/16 09:01, Wang Weijun wrote:
> Please take a review at
>    http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~weijun/8168979/webrev.00/
> This further clarifies what an invalid FilePermission behaves. A major behavior change is that <<ALL FILES>> now implies an invalid permission, I hope this is good to minimize incompatibility.
> Thanks
> Max

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