RFR of JDK-8171076: improve rmi tests by replacing TestLibrary.createRegistryOnUnusedPort, getUnusedRandomPort

Roger Riggs Roger.Riggs at Oracle.com
Tue Dec 13 15:05:09 UTC 2016

Hi Hamlin,

Looks fine.

Thanks, Roger

On 12/13/2016 12:11 AM, Hamlin Li wrote:
> Would you please review the below patch?
> bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8171076
> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~mli/8171076/webrev.00/
> There are rmi tests using TestLibrary.createRegistryOnUnusedPort, 
> getUnusedRandomPort, registry created by these 2 methods could cause 
> "port in use" exception intermittently. For some of the tests, these 2 
> methods can and should be replaced with createRegistryOnEphemeralPort 
> and getRegistryPort.
> Although not all the modified tests failed, it will help improve rmi 
> test quality by replacing these methods.
> Because of JDK-8170728, we can not relay the call of 
> createRegistryOnUnusedPort to createRegistryOnEphemeralPort, because 
> some test are calling createRegistryOnUnusedPort more than once.
> Thank you
> -Hamlin

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