RFR 8170900: Issue with FilePermission::implies for wildcard flag(-)

Wang Weijun weijun.wang at oracle.com
Tue Dec 20 07:25:18 UTC 2016

Ping again.

> On Dec 14, 2016, at 1:53 PM, Wang Weijun <weijun.wang at oracle.com> wrote:
> An clarification is added to FilePermission::implies:
>      * @implNote
>        ....
>      * a simple {@code npath} is recursively inside a wildcard {@code npath}
>      * if and only if {@code simple_npath.relativize(wildcard_npath)}
> -     * is a series of one or more "..". An invalid {@code FilePermission} does
> +     * is a series of one or more "..". Note that this means "/-" does not
> +     * imply "foo". An invalid {@code FilePermission} does
>      * not imply any object except for itself.
> The newly added sentence is
>  Note that this means "/-" does not imply "foo".
> JCK has agreed to update their test.
> Since this is just a clarification inside an @implNote and no spec is updated, I suppose no CCC is needed. Please confirm.
> Thanks
> Max

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