RFR 8171441: tools/launcher/VersionCheck.java doesn't report names of tools which failed checks

Dmitry Fazunenenko dmitry.fazunenko at oracle.com
Mon Dec 26 15:40:52 UTC 2016

Thank you, Stanislav.

-- Dima

On 26.12.2016 17:40, Stanislav Smirnov wrote:
> Hi,
> thanks, looks good
> Best regards,
> Stanislav Smirnov
>> On 23 Dec 2016, at 19:13, Dmitry Fazunenenko 
>> <dmitry.fazunenko at oracle.com <mailto:dmitry.fazunenko at oracle.com>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> new version: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dfazunen/8171441/webrev.02/
>> This comment now looks like:
>>   152     /*
>>   153      * Checks if the tools accept "-version" option (exit code is zero).
>>   154      * The output of the tools run with "-version" is not verified.
>>   155      */
>> Thanks
>> Dima
>> On 23.12.2016 13:40, Stanislav Smirnov wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> sorry, missed this strange comment during the first review.
>>>   152     /*
>>>   153      * this tests if the tool can take a version string and returns
>>>   154      * a 0 exit code, it is not possible to validate the contents
>>>   155      * of the -version output as they are inconsistent.
>>>   156      */
>>>   157     static String testToolVersion() {
>>> It confuses me, can you please rephrase it?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Stanislav Smirnov
>>>> On 23 Dec 2016, at 11:55, Dmitry Fazunenko 
>>>> <dmitry.fazunenko at oracle.com <mailto:dmitry.fazunenko at oracle.com>> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Stanislav,
>>>> Thanks for looking.
>>>> Updated webrev:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dfazunen/8171441/webrev.01/
>>>> -- Dima
>>>> On 22.12.2016 19:55, Stanislav Smirnov wrote:
>>>>> Hi Dima,
>>>>> changes look good, I will only suggest using lambda’s in couple of 
>>>>> iterations
>>>>> +            for (String s : tr.testOutput) {
>>>>> +                System.out.println(s);
>>>>> +            }
>>>>> tr.testOutput.forEach(System.out::println)
>>>>>           for (String x : tr.testOutput) {
>>>>>               alist.add(x.trim());
>>>>>           }
>>>>> tr.testOutput.stream.map(String::trim).forEach(aList:add)
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Stanislav Smirnov
>>>>>> On 21 Dec 2016, at 17:16, Dmitry Fazunenenko 
>>>>>> <dmitry.fazunenko at oracle.com 
>>>>>> <mailto:dmitry.fazunenko at oracle.com>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> I'm looking for reviews of a relatively simple test change:
>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dfazunen/8171441/webrev.00/ 
>>>>>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Edfazunen/8171441/webrev.00/>
>>>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8171441
>>>>>> The purpose of the change is to improve diagnostic.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Dima
>>>>>> PS: After the fix the failures will be reported as:
>>>>>> ----------System.err:(13/956)----------
>>>>>> java.lang.AssertionError: VersionCheck failed: 
>>>>>> testJVersionStrings: [java]; testToolVersion: [jar];
>>>>>>    at VersionCheck.main(VersionCheck.java:295)
>>>>>>    at 
>>>>>> java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native 
>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>    at 
>>>>>> java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
>>>>>>    at 
>>>>>> java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
>>>>>>    at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:538)
>>>>>>    at 
>>>>>> com.sun.javatest.regtest.agent.MainWrapper$MainThread.run(MainWrapper.java:110)
>>>>>>    at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:844)
>>>>>> JavaTest Message: Test threw exception: java.lang.AssertionError: 
>>>>>> VersionCheck failed: testJVersionStrings: [java]; 
>>>>>> testToolVersion: [jar];
>>>>>> JavaTest Message: shutting down test
>>>>>> STATUS:Failed.`main' threw exception: java.lang.AssertionError: 
>>>>>> VersionCheck failed: testJVersionStrings: [java]; 
>>>>>> testToolVersion: [jar];
>>>>>> PPS: The output of passed test now looks like:
>>>>>> === testJVersionStrings ===
>>>>>> Testing servertool
>>>>>> Testing jstat
>>>>>> Testing jmod
>>>>>> Testing jjs
>>>>>> Testing jimage
>>>>>> Testing jlink
>>>>>> Testing jrunscript
>>>>>> Testing jdeprscan
>>>>>> Testing jconsole
>>>>>> Testing rmiregistry
>>>>>> Testing keytool
>>>>>> Testing schemagen
>>>>>> Testing javac
>>>>>> Testing jar
>>>>>> Testing jhsdb
>>>>>> Testing jcmd
>>>>>> Testing jstack
>>>>>> Testing wsgen
>>>>>> Testing jshell
>>>>>> Testing serialver
>>>>>> Testing jmap
>>>>>> Testing javap
>>>>>> Testing jps
>>>>>> Testing jstatd
>>>>>> Testing javadoc
>>>>>> Testing tnameserv
>>>>>> Testing jdb
>>>>>> Testing jinfo
>>>>>> Testing jdeps
>>>>>> Testing xjc
>>>>>> Testing rmid
>>>>>> Testing jarsigner
>>>>>> Testing idlj
>>>>>> Testing rmic
>>>>>> Testing appletviewer
>>>>>> Testing pack200
>>>>>> Testing javah
>>>>>> Testing policytool
>>>>>> Testing orbd
>>>>>> testJVersionStrings passed
>>>>>> === testInternalStrings ===
>>>>>> testInternalStrings passed
>>>>>> === testToolVersion ===
>>>>>> Testing java
>>>>>> #> 
>>>>>> /net/jse-st01.ru.oracle.com/export4/java/re/jdk/9/promoted/ea/149/binaries/solaris-x64/bin/java 
>>>>>> <http://jse-st01.ru.oracle.com/export4/java/re/jdk/9/promoted/ea/149/binaries/solaris-x64/bin/java> 
>>>>>> -version
>>>>>> java version "9-ea"
>>>>>> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 9-ea+149)
>>>>>> Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 9-ea+149, mixed mode)
>>>>>> #> echo $?
>>>>>> 0
>>>>>> Testing javac
>>>>>> #> 
>>>>>> /net/jse-st01.ru.oracle.com/export4/java/re/jdk/9/promoted/ea/149/binaries/solaris-x64/bin/javac 
>>>>>> <http://jse-st01.ru.oracle.com/export4/java/re/jdk/9/promoted/ea/149/binaries/solaris-x64/bin/javac> 
>>>>>> -version
>>>>>> javac 9-ea
>>>>>> #> echo $?
>>>>>> 0
>>>>>> Testing jhsdb
>>>>>> #> 
>>>>>> /net/jse-st01.ru.oracle.com/export4/java/re/jdk/9/promoted/ea/149/binaries/solaris-x64/bin/jhsdb 
>>>>>> <http://jse-st01.ru.oracle.com/export4/java/re/jdk/9/promoted/ea/149/binaries/solaris-x64/bin/jhsdb> 
>>>>>> -version
>>>>>>    clhsdb           command line debugger
>>>>>>    debugd           debug server
>>>>>>    hsdb             ui debugger
>>>>>>    jstack --help    to get more information
>>>>>>    jmap   --help    to get more information
>>>>>>    jinfo  --help    to get more information
>>>>>>    jsnap  --help    to get more information
>>>>>> #> echo $?
>>>>>> 0
>>>>>> Testing jshell
>>>>>> #> 
>>>>>> /net/jse-st01.ru.oracle.com/export4/java/re/jdk/9/promoted/ea/149/binaries/solaris-x64/bin/jshell 
>>>>>> <http://jse-st01.ru.oracle.com/export4/java/re/jdk/9/promoted/ea/149/binaries/solaris-x64/bin/jshell> 
>>>>>> -version
>>>>>> jshell 9-ea
>>>>>> #> echo $?
>>>>>> 0
>>>>>> Testing javap
>>>>>> #> 
>>>>>> /net/jse-st01.ru.oracle.com/export4/java/re/jdk/9/promoted/ea/149/binaries/solaris-x64/bin/javap 
>>>>>> <http://jse-st01.ru.oracle.com/export4/java/re/jdk/9/promoted/ea/149/binaries/solaris-x64/bin/javap> 
>>>>>> -version
>>>>>> 9-ea
>>>>>> #> echo $?
>>>>>> 0
>>>>>> Testing jdb
>>>>>> #> 
>>>>>> /net/jse-st01.ru.oracle.com/export4/java/re/jdk/9/promoted/ea/149/binaries/solaris-x64/bin/jdb 
>>>>>> <http://jse-st01.ru.oracle.com/export4/java/re/jdk/9/promoted/ea/149/binaries/solaris-x64/bin/jdb> 
>>>>>> -version
>>>>>> This is jdb version 9.0 (Java SE version 9-ea)
>>>>>> #> echo $?
>>>>>> 0
>>>>>> Testing idlj
>>>>>> #> 
>>>>>> /net/jse-st01.ru.oracle.com/export4/java/re/jdk/9/promoted/ea/149/binaries/solaris-x64/bin/idlj 
>>>>>> <http://jse-st01.ru.oracle.com/export4/java/re/jdk/9/promoted/ea/149/binaries/solaris-x64/bin/idlj> 
>>>>>> -version
>>>>>> IDL-to-Java compiler (portable), version "3.2"
>>>>>> #> echo $?
>>>>>> 0
>>>>>> Testing javah
>>>>>> #> 
>>>>>> /net/jse-st01.ru.oracle.com/export4/java/re/jdk/9/promoted/ea/149/binaries/solaris-x64/bin/javah 
>>>>>> <http://jse-st01.ru.oracle.com/export4/java/re/jdk/9/promoted/ea/149/binaries/solaris-x64/bin/javah> 
>>>>>> -version
>>>>>> Warning: The javah tool is planned to be removed in the next major
>>>>>> JDK release. The tool has been superseded by the '-h' option added
>>>>>> to javac in JDK 8. Users are recommended to migrate to using the
>>>>>> javac '-h' option; see the javac man page for more information.
>>>>>> javah version "9-ea"
>>>>>> #> echo $?
>>>>>> 0
>>>>>> testToolVersion passed
>>>>>> === testInternalStrings ===
>>>>>> testDebugVersion passed
>>>>>> All Version string comparisons: PASS
>>>>>> ----------System.err:(1/15)----------

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