RFR: 8072379: Implement jdk.Version and jdk.OracleVersion

Victor Polischuk victor2 at ukr.net
Thu Jan 14 09:36:09 UTC 2016

Hi Iris,

Do you consider an option to let community reuse JDK versioning style for their own purposes. Probably defining an interface with basic default methods which can be extended by various libraries to provide unified way to gather version information from MANIFEST.MF, ClassLoader's jars and simply to allow developers inventing one wheel lesser.

 --- Original message ---
From: "Iris Clark" <iris.clark at oracle.com>
Date: 11 January 2016, 23:45:56
> Hi, Joe, Roger, Alan, Magnus, and Mandy.
> At the end of December (shortly before the Christmas/Winter 
> break and my vacation), I provided responses to your messages 
> and an updated webrev:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~iris/verona/8072379/webrev.2/
> I didn't hear from anybody, so I'd like to optimistically assume
> that you were satisfied.  Is that correct? 
> For you convenience, here's a reference to the December and November
> threads:
> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/core-libs-dev/2015-December/037062.html
> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/core-libs-dev/2015-November/036904.html
> I'd like to wrap up this work for the initial implementation of 
> jdk.Version soon.  
> Regards,
> iris

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