GNU-style options for the Jar Tool

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Wed Jan 20 20:05:38 UTC 2016

On 19/01/2016 16:54, Chris Hegarty wrote:
> GNU-style options for Jar Tool
> Prompted by the impending addition of new options for both multi-release jars
> and jigsaw, it became immediately obvious that we were running out of single
> characters that could be used to represent these new options. I'd like to
> propose an update to the Jar Tool CLI to accept GNU-style options ( all short
> forms being compatible with the existing current options ), so that we can
> evolve the CLI in a reasonable fashion going forward.
This looks quite good. For me at least then I know it will take time to 
get used to typing --file=FILE.

The only option that I wonder about is --pack200 as it hints that it 
does pack200 compression. Should it be --normalize instead? The help 
output might not even need to mention pack200.

The only other comment is something that Stephen Colebourne brought up 
on jigsaw-dev a few months ago. The updated `jar --help` is too long. 
The useful options scroll up to leave the user looking at options under 
the  "Compatibility Interface" heading. I wonder if it would be better 
to move this to --help:compat.


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