Regarding the removal of com/sun/org/apache/xalan/internal/xslt/

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at
Tue Jan 26 09:30:43 UTC 2016

Hi Christoph,

Instead of trying to access 
com/sun/org/apache/xalan/internal/xslt/ in your 
test - would it be possible for
your test to embed that functionality instead?

I am not sure how much sense that makes - the workings of that
class seemed a bit convoluted - and not quite adapted to the
JAXP implementation embedded in the JDK itself, but I was
wondering whether you could apply the same technique than what
we did when removing the internal xalan/xslt Process class which
was not used either:

If you really need, then embedding it in
your test is probably the better option, as it will allow you
to 'fix it' to work with jdk9/jigsaw as well (e.g. using the
jrt: File System instead of sun.boot.class.path etc...)

best regard,

-- daniel

On 1/26/16 12:49 AM, Langer, Christoph wrote:
> Hi,
> as I was using the xslt EnvironmentCheck class in my private testcase
> and recognizing it didn’t exist anymore in JDK 9, I stumbled over this
> thread from last July below.
> I understand that you want to clean up and remove unnecessary code but I
> found the class quite useful as it would some up several (to me
> seemingly) interesting jaxp version information. The other
> class was removed, too. Was the information collected by these classes
> really that crappy that it could just be removed? Where would I get my
> XML version information from now?
> Thanks and best regards
> Christoph
> On 7/28/2015 10:32 AM, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
>>/On 28/07/15 19:20, huizhe wang wrote:/
>>>/Hi Daniel,/
>>>/On 7/28/2015 8:22 AM, Daniel Fuchs wrote:/
>>>>/Please find below a fix for yet another cleanup for jaxp:/
>>>/Thanks for yet another cleanup! And, there is a lot more to come :-)/
>>>>/8130059: jaxp: Investigate removal of/
> <>///
>>>>/EnvironmentCheck doesn't seem to serve any purpose in JDK 9./
>>>/Agree. It'd be a confusion more than anything else if used since it/
>>>/produces many irrelevant information./
>>>>/It is not called anywhere. The proposal is to remove it./
>>>>/By doing a full grep on the JDK I also identified another/
>>>>/unused class ( which referred to EnvironmentCheck/
>>>>/inside a comment./
>>>>/I took the liberty to remove that class as well./
>>>/Ok.  The webrev looks good to me. If you'd want to remove the two/
>>>/Version classes as shown in the test, that would be fine with me too./
>>>/Then you could remove the whole test./
>>/Thanks Joe!/
>>/One of the two version classes (xalan) is used by
>>/I already logged another bug to investigate removing that as/
>>/well (JDK-8130058)./
> Great!
>>/Maybe we should remove the two versions classes as part of that/
>>/other bug? Or I could update my webrev to just remove the xerces/
>>/ now, which as far as I can see is not called anywhere./
>>/As you prefer :-)/
> I agree as you planned, considering removing the two version classes in
> JDK-8130058.
> Cheers :-)
> Joe
>>/-- daniel/
>>>/Best regards,/
>>>>/As for the latter cleanup, what triggered this is that EnvironmentCheck/
>>>>/is using sun.boot.class.path.../
>>>>/best regards,/
>>>>/-- daniel/

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