RFR: JDK-8144144 - ORB destroy() leaks filedescriptors after unsuccessful connection

Mark Sheppard mark.sheppard at oracle.com
Fri Jan 29 01:10:36 UTC 2016

    based on feedback from reviews the current version of this fix can 
be found at


please oblige and review


On 22/01/2016 11:14, Seán Coffey wrote:
> On 21/01/16 17:45, Mark Sheppard wrote:
>> Thanks Sean
>> i can revert the isClosed(), I put them in to make the access consistent
> I'd question if the synchronized isClosed() and setClosed(boolean) 
> helper methods are needed at all. The volatile closed boolean variable 
> should be enough to manage this state flag. Either way, I don't think 
> the synchronization around the closed variable is root cause of this 
> issue and performance issues could be addressed in another change if 
> necessary (playing safe)
> regards,
> Sean.
>> regards
>> Mark
>> On 20/01/2016 18:17, Seán Coffey wrote:
>>> Hi Mark,
>>> SelectorImpl.java:
>>> line 125, could you use a 2 arg method call to dprint. It'll print 
>>> the stacktrace instead :
>>> dprint(".close: selector.close: " + t);  --> dprint(".close: 
>>> selector.close",  t);
>>> The "while (!isClosed()) " change introduces a new hot lock on 
>>> closed variable. Hopefully, it won't impact performance too much.
>>> Looks good to me otherwise.
>>> Regards,
>>> Sean.
>>> On 20/01/16 16:16, Mark Sheppard wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>>    an update has been made to the webrev
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~msheppar/8144144/webrev.03/
>>>> an anomaly was found in the select loop of the SelectorImpl.run() 
>>>> method
>>>> some defensive programming, for selector null references, have been 
>>>> added, also.
>>>> regards
>>>> Mark
>>>> On 08/01/2016 17:49, Mark Sheppard wrote:
>>>>> Hi
>>>>>    please oblige and review the following changes
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~msheppar/8144144/webrev/
>>>>> which addresses the issue
>>>>> https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8144144
>>>>> the changes ensure that an Acceptor and its associated 
>>>>> ServerSocket/ServerSocketChannel
>>>>> are closed.
>>>>> regards
>>>>> Mark

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