JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8132548: java/lang/ThreadGroup/Stop.java fails with "RuntimeException: Failure"

Amy Lu amy.lu at oracle.com
Mon Jul 11 07:20:13 UTC 2016

Please review the updated webrev:


On 7/11/16 9:20 AM, Amy Lu wrote:
> Thank you for all the valuable comments.
> I'm updating the webrev...
> Thanks,
> Amy
> On 7/9/16 1:34 AM, Martin Buchholz wrote:
>> jdk/test/java/util/concurrent/tck has thousands of test methods.  It 
>> used to take minutes to run them all, but now only takes 10 seconds, 
>> mostly due to replacements of sleeps with faster and more robust 
>> alternatives, often CountDownLatch.
>> On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 10:17 AM, joe darcy <joe.darcy at oracle.com 
>> <mailto:joe.darcy at oracle.com>> wrote:
>>     The most surefire way to make sure the test doesn't fail anymore
>>     is to hg rm the test; if and unless the code is actually removed,
>>     that would not be the most appropriate approach though ;-)
>>     While it might be overkill for this particular test, I think it
>>     would be preferable to start replacing our various sleep calls in
>>     tests with count down latches or other structures as appropriate.
>>     Converting this test could help provide a good example of the
>>     process.
>>     (As alluded to earlier, the test suite as a whole could be made
>>     to run somewhat faster. Tests which wait for seconds when the
>>     entire test could commonly run in milliseconds in many cases are
>>     proportionately a good candidate to speed up. The absolute wait
>>     time are also problematic on the other extreme, running under
>>     -Xint on a heavily loaded test system, "should never take this
>>     long" numbers often aren't enough.)
>>     Thanks,
>>     -Joe
>>     On 7/7/2016 11:46 PM, Amy Lu wrote:
>>>     Yes, but I just thought that for a test that testing a
>>>     deprecated (since 1.2) API, and failed with very very low
>>>     frequency (actually, only one time during the years), we might
>>>     not want to spend much effort on a big change, like rewrite with
>>>     CountDownLatch :-)
>>>     Thanks,
>>>     Amy
>>>     On 7/8/16 2:36 PM, Martin Buchholz wrote:
>>>>     CountDownLatch is a better way of waiting for events, like for
>>>>     the two threads to be started and for Thread.stop to have been
>>>>     called.
>>>>     The test should ensure that ThreadDeath is indeed thrown.  If
>>>>     the threads in the group notify the main thread via a latch
>>>>     when they catch ThreadDeath, then all the sleeps in this test
>>>>     can be removed.
>>>>     On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 11:01 PM, Amy Lu <amy.lu at oracle.com> wrote:
>>>>         Thank you Joe for your review.
>>>>         The intent is to give it more chance "for the thread group
>>>>         stop to be issued", not to extend the whole test execution
>>>>         timeout.
>>>>         I updated the webrev to make this in a retry, limit to 5
>>>>         times of retry:
>>>>         http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~amlu/8132548/webrev.01/
>>>>         <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Eamlu/8132548/webrev.01/>
>>>>         Thanks,
>>>>         Amy
>>>>         On 7/8/16 12:15 PM, joe darcy wrote:
>>>>             Hi Amy,
>>>>             I'm a bit uncomfortable with the fix as-is.
>>>>             Rather than hard-coding sleep values, if sleep values
>>>>             are needed I think it is a better practice to use ones
>>>>             that are scaled with the jtreg timeout factors, etc.
>>>>             used to run the tests. Please instead use something
>>>>             like the adjustTimeout method of
>>>>             $JDK_FOREST_ROOT/test/lib/share/classes/jdk/test/lib/Utils
>>>>             As a general comment, I'd prefer we don't just up
>>>>             timeout values for tests. That can cause the whole test
>>>>             suite run to slow down, which is undesirable especially
>>>>             if the condition in question may actually be satisfied
>>>>             in many cases much faster than the timeout value.
>>>>             Thanks,
>>>>             -Joe
>>>>             On 7/7/2016 7:01 PM, Amy Lu wrote:
>>>>                 Please review this trivial fix for
>>>>                 test:java/lang/ThreadGroup/Stop.java
>>>>                 Though this is a test for a deprecated API, failed
>>>>                 with very very low frequency and hard to reproduce
>>>>                 (I got no luck to reproduce it), I’d like to patch
>>>>                 it as suggested: extend the sleep in the main
>>>>                 thread from one second to five seconds. Also added
>>>>                 'volatile' to the boolean variable 'groupStopped'.
>>>>                 bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8132548
>>>>                 webrev:
>>>>                 http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~amlu/8132548/webrev.00/
>>>>                 <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Eamlu/8132548/webrev.00/>
>>>>                 Thanks,
>>>>                 Amy
>>>>                 --- old/test/java/lang/ThreadGroup/Stop.java  
>>>>                 2016-07-04 14:53:59.000000000 +0800
>>>>                 +++ new/test/java/lang/ThreadGroup/Stop.java  
>>>>                 2016-07-04 14:53:58.000000000 +0800
>>>>                 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
>>>>                  /*
>>>>                 - * Copyright (c) 1999, 2011, Oracle and/or its
>>>>                 affiliates. All rights reserved.
>>>>                 + * Copyright (c) 1999, 2016, Oracle and/or its
>>>>                 affiliates. All rights reserved.
>>>>                 THIS FILE HEADER.
>>>>                   *
>>>>                   * This code is free software; you can
>>>>                 redistribute it and/or modify it
>>>>                 @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
>>>>                   */
>>>>                  public class Stop implements Runnable {
>>>>                 -    private static boolean groupStopped = false ;
>>>>                 +    private static volatile boolean groupStopped =
>>>>                 false ;
>>>>                      private static final Object lock = new Object();
>>>>                      private static final ThreadGroup group = new
>>>>                 ThreadGroup("");
>>>>                 @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
>>>>                              while (!groupStopped) {
>>>>                                  lock.wait();
>>>>                                  // Give the other thread a chance
>>>>                 to stop
>>>>                 - Thread.sleep(1000);
>>>>                 + Thread.sleep(5000);
>>>>                              }
>>>>                          }

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