RFR 9: JEP 290: Filter Incoming Serialization Data

Peter Levart peter.levart at gmail.com
Fri Jul 22 07:00:41 UTC 2016

Hi Roger,

On 07/21/2016 08:19 PM, Roger Riggs wrote:
>>>> - The call-back is invoked after the type of the object and 
>>>> possible array length is read from stream but before the object's 
>>>> state is read. Suppose that the object that is about to be read is 
>>>> either Externalizable object or an object with a readObject() 
>>>> method(s) that consume block data from the stream. This block data 
>>>> can be large. Should there be a call-back to "announce" the block 
>>>> data too? (for example, when the 'clazz' is null and the 'size' is 
>>>> 0, the call-back reports a back-reference to a previously read 
>>>> object, but when the 'clazz' is null and the 'size' > 0, it 
>>>> announces the 'size' bytes of block data. Does this make sense?)
>>> Interesting case, I'll take another look at that. Since block data 
>>> records are <= 1024, a filter might not
>>> have enough information to make an informed decision.  Those bytes 
>>> would show up in
>>> the stream bytes but not until the next object is read.
>> ...which could be to late. If the filter is to be also used as a 
>> defense against forged streams that try to provoke DOS by triggering 
>> frequent GCs and OutOfMemoryError(s), then such call-back that 
>> announces each block data record could help achieve that.
> Individual block data lengths are not very informative since block 
> data can be segmented but
> a cumulative (for the whole stream) block data size suitable for a 
> callback from the
> start of each block data segment might be useful.

Is it possible to identify which block data records "belong" to a 
particular object? If yes, then perhaps cumulative sum(s) of block data 
sizes for a particular object could be passed to the call-back together 
with the Class of the object the data belongs to (similar to how array 
is reported, the size would be cumulative block data size read so-far 
and the filter could distinguish such callback from array callback by 
inspecting clazz.isArray()). In conjunction with cumulative size of the 
whole stream which is already passed now, I think this is enough to 
implement all kinds of safety-belts.

If you think that such addition starts to become complex from 
combinatorial standpoint then what about passing an additional enum 
argument identifying a particular "event"? It would then be easy do 
document the rest of parameters for each event type...

Regards, Peter

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