RFR: Implement RandomAccess spliterator

Ito, Hiroshi Hiroshi.Ito at gs.com
Wed Jun 1 15:03:15 UTC 2016

Thanks Paul!

Your edits look great to me.

For our particular use case, both 1) and 2) are totally fine and no problem.

2) is an interesting corner case, but as you mentioned, it's quite hard to imagine some RandomAccess implementation takes an approach to introduce side effects in its indexed-accessor. So it sounds ok to me as a default behavior. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Sandoz [mailto:paul.sandoz at oracle.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2016 10:26 PM
To: Ito, Hiroshi [Tech]
Cc: core-libs-dev at openjdk.java.net; Chan, Sunny [Tech]; Raab, Donald [Tech]
Subject: Re: RFR: Implement RandomAccess spliterator

Hi Hiroshi,

I created an issue and made some edits:


Let me know what you think.

Specification-wise we need to describe how the default implementation should behave without diving into specific implementation details.

It now becomes clearer that these issues introduce behavioural changes:

1) A List implementing RandomAccess but not extending from AbstractList may result in different fail-fast behaviour; and

2) A List implementing RandomAccess may be operated on concurrently via List.get when it is the source of a stream pipeline executed in parallel.

I think 1) is ok.

2) is obviously the primary motivation for this change, but it could potentially affect third-party List implementations whose indexed-accessor performs side-effects. That seems a questionable thing to do for something that implements RandomAccess, but there is a lot of odd code out there. Sorry, i should have raised this point earlier. On reflection i think your case trumps that of such odd code. Thoughts?


> On 31 May 2016, at 05:36, Ito, Hiroshi <Hiroshi.Ito at gs.com> wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> Thank you very much for your feedback, and apologize for the delay in response..
> I have incorporated your comments in the attached patch. Please kindly take a look and let me know if you have further feedback.
> - Modified @implSpec to add a description in case the list implements RandomAccess.
> - Added modification checking in RandomAccessSpliterator, only when the list implements AbstractList.
> Sorry for the confusion about SubList. It was all about the concurrent modification checking, so adding the change above pretty much addressed my issue earlier.
> Thanks,
> Hiroshi
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Sandoz [mailto:paul.sandoz at oracle.com]
> Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2016 8:46 PM
> To: Ito, Hiroshi [Tech]
> Cc: core-libs-dev at openjdk.java.net; Chan, Sunny [Tech]; Raab, Donald 
> [Tech]
> Subject: Re: RFR: Implement RandomAccess spliterator
> Hi Hiroshi,
> This is a good example of what seems like a small feature and yet 
> there are some unexpected complexities :-)
> We will need to refine the implementation specification of List.spliterator, which currently states:
> * @implSpec
> * The default implementation creates a
> * <em><a href="Spliterator.html#binding">late-binding</a></em> 
> spliterator
> * from the list's {@code Iterator}.  The spliterator inherits the
> * <em>fail-fast</em> properties of the list's iterator.
> Since the existing implementation is derived from the iterator:
>  @Override
>  default Spliterator<E> spliterator() {
>      return Spliterators.spliterator(this, Spliterator.ORDERED);  }
> concurrent modification checking will occur. The RandomAccessSpliterator should also support modification checking, which i think requires it be an inner class to check co-mod state.
> I am struggling to understand the points you make about the spliterator of a sub-list of a Vector being required to be an iterator-based implementation. Since AbstractList.SubList can access a Vector's elements through List.get/set why cannot RandomAccessSpliterator?
> If we want to support random access spliterators on sub-lists i think we would anyway need to override the spliterator method to check for concurrent modification (as is the case of the iterator method).
> Paul.
>> On 11 May 2016, at 11:25, Ito, Hiroshi <Hiroshi.Ito at gs.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Please kindly review the attached patch for RandomAccessSpliterator implementation.
>> Currently default implementation of spliterator is an IteratorSpliterator which is not optimal for RandomAccess data structures (besides ArrayList and Vector). This patch is to provide a default RandomAccessSpliterator implementation for RandomAccess data structure.
>> The figures below demonstrate the performance difference before and after the change. Note the significant performance improvement in test SelectTest.parallel_lazy_streams_gsc (parallel streams performance test for non-JDK Lists that implement RandomAccess but don't yet implement their own spliterators).
>> Benchmark code: 
>> https://github.com/goldmansachs/gs-collections/blob/master/jmh-tests/
>> src/main/java/com/gs/collections/impl/jmh/SelectTest.java
>> With IteratorSpliterator as default:
>> Benchmark                              Mode  Cnt    Score    Error  Units
>> SelectTest.parallel_lazy_jdk          thrpt   20  172.671 ± 14.231  ops/s
>> SelectTest.parallel_lazy_streams_gsc  thrpt   20   20.662 ±  0.493  ops/s
>> SelectTest.serial_lazy_jdk            thrpt   20   89.384 ±  4.431  ops/s
>> SelectTest.serial_lazy_streams_gsc    thrpt   20   80.831 ±  7.875  ops/s
>> With RandomAccessSpliterator as default:
>> Benchmark                              Mode  Cnt    Score    Error  Units
>> SelectTest.parallel_lazy_jdk          thrpt   20  174.190 ± 16.870  ops/s
>> SelectTest.parallel_lazy_streams_gsc  thrpt   20  180.740 ±  9.594  ops/s
>> SelectTest.serial_lazy_jdk            thrpt   20   85.719 ±  2.414  ops/s
>> SelectTest.serial_lazy_streams_gsc    thrpt   20   78.760 ±  1.029  ops/s
>> Majority of the patch is contributed by Paul Sandoz and he should be credited in the Contributed-by field.
>> Along with this patch submission, we have a question for SubList spliterator implementation that we retained old behavior for now (i.e. return IteratorSpliterator, refer to RandomAccessSubList#spliterator()). We have found that Vector's subList is wrapped by RandomAccessSubList, that is RandomAccess but not a Vector anymore, and it expects to use IteratorSpliterator. We were not sure what's the best approach to distinguish Vector from other RandomAccess data structure within RandomAccessSublist, so we kept it return IteratorSpliterator for now.
>> One approach could be to introduce VectorSubList that returns IteratorSpliterator (or an implementation similar to VectorSpliterator?). Then we could revert the spliterator() override in RandomAccessSublist.
>> What would be your suggestion to handle this?
>> Depending on your suggestion, we might fix the subList spliterator in this patch, or submit a separate patch if the amount of the change is significant.
>> Thanks,
>> Hiroshi
>> <RandomAccessSpliterator.patch.txt>
> <RandomAccessSpliterator_0531.patch.txt>

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