JDK 9 RFR of JDK-8038330: tools/jar/JarEntryTime.java fails intermittently on checking extracted file last modified values are the current times

Peter Levart peter.levart at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 11:41:28 UTC 2016

Hi Amy,

I think that the following test:

  178         if (!(Math.abs(now - start) >= 0L && Math.abs(end - now) 
 >= 0L)) {

...will always be false. Therefore, the test will always succeed.

Perhaps you wanted to test the following:

assert start <= end;
if (start > now || now > end) { ...

Regards, Peter

On 03/01/2016 07:11 AM, Amy Lu wrote:
> Please review the patch for test tools/jar/JarEntryTime.java
> In which two issues fixed:
> 1. Test fails intermittently on checking the extracted files' 
> last-modified-time are the current times.
>    Instead of compare the file last-modified-time with pre-saved time 
> value “now” (which is the time *before* current time, especially in a 
> slow run, the time diff of “now” and current time is possible greater 
> than 2 seconds precision (PRECISION)), test now compares the extracted 
> file’s last-modified-time with newly created file last-modified-time.
> 2. Test may fail if run during the Daylight Saving Time change.
> bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8038330
> webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~amlu/8038330/webrev.00/
> Thanks,
> Amy

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