Analysis on JDK-8022321 java/lang/ref/ fails intermittently

Kim Barrett kim.barrett at
Wed Mar 23 20:53:25 UTC 2016

> On Mar 23, 2016, at 4:42 PM, Peter Levart <peter.levart at> wrote:
> Hi Kim,
> Thinking more about your approach. Basically your idea is to detect that there are no more unprocessed but pending or enqueued Cleanables by timing out on waiting for next Cleanable to be processed. In that case the timeout should be reset when each Cleanable is detected to be processed so that when there's a "silence" detected for at least the whole timeout period, we can claim with enough probability that there are no more unprocessed Cleanables either pending or enqueued and that we can give up with OOME.

Exactly, and much better stated than I did.

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