RFR: 8152641: Plugin to generate BMH$Species classes ahead-of-time
Peter Levart
peter.levart at gmail.com
Thu Mar 31 06:55:05 UTC 2016
Hi Claes,
On 03/30/2016 06:17 PM, Claes Redestad wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> something like this, then:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~redestad/8152641/webrev.05/
> - Added a method only used by the plugin which validates input; added
> a comment about the dependency
> - Invalid types are logged but otherwise ignored now (I bet someone
> might suggest a better way to handle user errors)
What happens if you throw an exception in the plugin? Should jlink fail
in case of invalid input?
Regards, Peter
> - Some cleanup, introduced constant for class name prefix and removed
> duplicate type string shortening etc
> /Claes
> On 2016-03-30 17:17, Peter Levart wrote:
>> Hi Claes,
>> webrev.04 looks good now.
>> Maybe just one nit. For production quality, plugin input could be
>> verified that after expansion it is composed of just the following
>> characters: "LIJFD". Otherwise ClassWriter might generate an unusable
>> class without complaining (for example if someone sneaks-in
>> characters 'S' 'Z' 'B' or 'C')...
>> Or, better yet, create another method in BMH that will be the
>> "public" API between the plugin and BMH which does the validation and
>> calls generateConcreteBMHClassBytes(). Internally in BMH the
>> validation is not necessary as the types strings are composed
>> programmatically and are guaranteed to be correct.
>> Regards, Peter
>> On 03/30/2016 04:15 PM, Claes Redestad wrote:
>>> On 2016-03-30 14:21, Peter Levart wrote:
>>>> Hi Claes,
>>>> On 03/30/2016 12:53 PM, Claes Redestad wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I think Class.forName(Module, String) seemed like a nice
>>>>> efficiency/simplicity compromise, but there is some usage of
>>>>> lambdas/method-refs in the Module lookup code, especially for
>>>>> exploded modules (which get exercised during JDK build). Depending
>>>>> on a lambda from code in java.lang.invoke means we fail to bootstrap.
>>>>> But hey, we're living in an encapsulated world now, and this is in
>>>>> java.base, so why not go directly to the BootLoader:
>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~redestad/8152641/webrev.03/
>>>>> Since this is what's called from Class.forName(Module, String),
>>>>> the overhead should be even smaller than in your
>>>>> classForNameInModule test.
>>>> Good idea.
>>>>> If I call this final, will you say "Reviewed"? :-)
>>>> Sorry, I don't posses the powers. :-)
>>>> I could say "rEVIEWED", but...
>>>> In the plugin, the input is shortened speciesTypes strings. What
>>>> guarantees that they really are normalized? For example, If one
>>>> specifies "LLL" as input, it will get expanded into "LLL", the
>>>> generated class will have "_L3" as a name suffix, but you will pack
>>>> it in the image with "_LLL.class" filename suffix.
>>>> That's another reason why a method in BoundMethodHandle$Factory
>>>> with the following signature:
>>>> Map.Entry<String, byte[]> generateConcreteBMHClassBytes(String types);
>>>> ...would be a good idea. It would return class bytes and the name
>>>> of the class which you could use to derive the class filename
>>>> without hardcoding the same logic in plugin and in BMH.
>>>> You just move the "LambdaForm.shortenSignature(types)" from
>>>> getConcreteBMHClass and className/sourceFile calculation from
>>>> generateConcreteBMHClass down to generateConcreteBMHClassBytes
>>>> method and change the signatures...
>>> Yes, it makes sense to keep control over the class name inside the
>>> factory class, and this does allow specifying shortened or expanded
>>> forms (L3 vs LLL) interchangeably as input to the plugin, which
>>> reduces possibility for user errors.
>>> How about this: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~redestad/8152641/webrev.04/
>>> /Claes
>>>> Regards, Peter
>>>>> /Claes
>>>>> PS: The default list of types is generated in a few adhoc tests
>>>>> not part of this patch. I'm considering proposing add support for
>>>>> generating this list at build time. Maybe a JEP called "Build
>>>>> system support for profile-guided optimizations", which could also
>>>>> handle https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8150044
>>>>> On 2016-03-30 09:53, Peter Levart wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Claes,
>>>>>> Sorry, I found a flaw in the benchmark (the regex pattern to
>>>>>> split comma-separated string into substrings was wrong). What the
>>>>>> benchmark did was compare the overheads of a single lookup of a
>>>>>> longer class name containing commas. Here's the corrected result
>>>>>> of overheads of 5 unsuccessful lookups:
>>>>>> Benchmark (generate) (lookup) Mode
>>>>>> Cnt Score Error Units
>>>>>> ClassForNameBench.classForName LL,LLL,LLLL,LLLLL,LLLLLL
>>>>>> LLI,LLLI,LLLLI,LLLLLI,LLLLLLI avgt 10 29627.141 ± 567.427 ns/op
>>>>>> ClassForNameBench.classForNameInModule LL,LLL,LLLL,LLLLL,LLLLLL
>>>>>> LLI,LLLI,LLLLI,LLLLLI,LLLLLLI avgt 10 1073.256 ± 23.794 ns/op
>>>>>> ClassForNameBench.hashSetContains LL,LLL,LLLL,LLLLL,LLLLLL
>>>>>> LLI,LLLI,LLLLI,LLLLLI,LLLLLLI avgt 10 33.022 ± 0.066 ns/op
>>>>>> ClassForNameBench.switchStatement LL,LLL,LLLL,LLLLL,LLLLLL
>>>>>> LLI,LLLI,LLLLI,LLLLLI,LLLLLLI avgt 10 38.498 ± 5.842 ns/op
>>>>>> ...overheads are a little bigger (x5 approx.).
>>>>>> Here's the corrected benchmark:
>>>>>> package jdk.test;
>>>>>> import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.*;
>>>>>> import org.openjdk.jmh.infra.Blackhole;
>>>>>> import java.io.Serializable;
>>>>>> import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
>>>>>> import java.util.Iterator;
>>>>>> import java.util.Set;
>>>>>> import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
>>>>>> import java.util.stream.Collectors;
>>>>>> import java.util.stream.Stream;
>>>>>> @BenchmarkMode(Mode.AverageTime)
>>>>>> @Fork(value = 1, warmups = 0)
>>>>>> @Warmup(iterations = 10)
>>>>>> @Measurement(iterations = 10)
>>>>>> @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
>>>>>> @State(Scope.Thread)
>>>>>> public class ClassForNameBench {
>>>>>> static final String BMH = "java/lang/invoke/BoundMethodHandle";
>>>>>> static final String SPECIES_PREFIX_NAME = "Species_";
>>>>>> static final String SPECIES_PREFIX_PATH = BMH + "$" +
>>>>>> @Param({"LL,LLL,LLLL,LLLLL,LLLLLL"})
>>>>>> public String generate;
>>>>>> public String lookup;
>>>>>> private String[] generatedTypes;
>>>>>> private String[] lookedUpTypes;
>>>>>> private Set<String> generatedNames;
>>>>>> private String[] lookedUpNames;
>>>>>> @Setup(Level.Trial)
>>>>>> public void setup() {
>>>>>> generatedTypes = generate.trim().split("\\s*,\\s*");
>>>>>> lookedUpTypes = lookup.trim().split("\\s*,\\s*");
>>>>>> generatedNames = Stream.of(generatedTypes)
>>>>>> .map(types -> SPECIES_PREFIX_PATH
>>>>>> + shortenSignature(types))
>>>>>> .collect(Collectors.toSet());
>>>>>> lookedUpNames = Stream.of(lookedUpTypes)
>>>>>> .map(types -> SPECIES_PREFIX_PATH +
>>>>>> shortenSignature(types))
>>>>>> .toArray(String[]::new);
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> @Benchmark
>>>>>> public void classForName(Blackhole bh) {
>>>>>> for (String name : lookedUpNames) {
>>>>>> try {
>>>>>> bh.consume(Class.forName(name, false,
>>>>>> MethodHandle.class.getClassLoader()));
>>>>>> } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
>>>>>> bh.consume(e);
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> @Benchmark
>>>>>> public void classForNameInModule(Blackhole bh) {
>>>>>> for (String name : lookedUpNames) {
>>>>>> bh.consume(Class.forName(MethodHandle.class.getModule(), name));
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> @Benchmark
>>>>>> public void hashSetContains(Blackhole bh) {
>>>>>> for (String name : lookedUpNames) {
>>>>>> bh.consume(generatedNames.contains(name));
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> @Benchmark
>>>>>> public void switchStatement(Blackhole bh) {
>>>>>> for (String types : lookedUpTypes) {
>>>>>> bh.consume(getBMHSwitch(types));
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> static Class<?> getBMHSwitch(String types) {
>>>>>> // should be in sync with @Param generate above...
>>>>>> switch (types) {
>>>>>> case "LL": return Object.class;
>>>>>> case "LLL": return Serializable.class;
>>>>>> case "LLLL": return Iterator.class;
>>>>>> case "LLLLL": return Throwable.class;
>>>>>> case "LLLLLL": return String.class;
>>>>>> default: return null;
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> // copied from non-public LambdaForm
>>>>>> static String shortenSignature(String signature) {
>>>>>> // Hack to make signatures more readable when they show
>>>>>> up in method names.
>>>>>> final int NO_CHAR = -1, MIN_RUN = 3;
>>>>>> int c0, c1 = NO_CHAR, c1reps = 0;
>>>>>> StringBuilder buf = null;
>>>>>> int len = signature.length();
>>>>>> if (len < MIN_RUN) return signature;
>>>>>> for (int i = 0; i <= len; i++) {
>>>>>> // shift in the next char:
>>>>>> c0 = c1; c1 = (i == len ? NO_CHAR : signature.charAt(i));
>>>>>> if (c1 == c0) { ++c1reps; continue; }
>>>>>> // shift in the next count:
>>>>>> int c0reps = c1reps; c1reps = 1;
>>>>>> // end of a character run
>>>>>> if (c0reps < MIN_RUN) {
>>>>>> if (buf != null) {
>>>>>> while (--c0reps >= 0)
>>>>>> buf.append((char) c0);
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> continue;
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> // found three or more in a row
>>>>>> if (buf == null)
>>>>>> buf = new StringBuilder().append(signature, 0, i
>>>>>> - c0reps);
>>>>>> buf.append((char) c0).append(c0reps);
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> return (buf == null) ? signature : buf.toString();
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> Regards, Peter
>>>>>> On 03/30/2016 09:40 AM, Peter Levart wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Claes,
>>>>>>> On 03/30/2016 01:03 AM, Claes Redestad wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Peter, Mandy,
>>>>>>>> On 2016-03-26 12:47, Peter Levart wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Comparing this with proposed code from webrev:
>>>>>>>>> 493 try {
>>>>>>>>> 494 return (Class<? extends
>>>>>>>>> BoundMethodHandle>)
>>>>>>>>> 495
>>>>>>>>> Class.forName("java.lang.invoke.BoundMethodHandle$Species_" +
>>>>>>>>> LambdaForm.shortenSignature(types));
>>>>>>>>> 496 } catch (ClassNotFoundException
>>>>>>>>> cnf) {
>>>>>>>>> 497 // Not pregenerated, generate
>>>>>>>>> the class
>>>>>>>>> 498 return
>>>>>>>>> generateConcreteBMHClass(types);
>>>>>>>>> 499 }
>>>>>>>>> ...note that the function passed to
>>>>>>>>> CLASS_CACHE.computeIfAbsent is executed just once per distinct
>>>>>>>>> 'types' argument. Even if you put the generated switch between
>>>>>>>>> a call to getConcreteBMHClass and CLASS_CACHE.computeIfAbsent,
>>>>>>>>> getConcreteBMHClass(String types) is executed just once per
>>>>>>>>> distinct 'types' argument (except in rare occasions when VM
>>>>>>>>> can not initialize the loaded class).
>>>>>>>>> In this respect a successful Class.forName() is not any worse
>>>>>>>>> than static resolving. It's just that unsuccessful
>>>>>>>>> Class.forName() represents some overhead for classes that are
>>>>>>>>> not pre-generated. So an alternative way to get rid of that
>>>>>>>>> overhead is to have a HashSet of 'types' strings for
>>>>>>>>> pre-generated classes at hand in order to decide whether to
>>>>>>>>> call Class.forName or generateConcreteBMHClass.
>>>>>>>>> What's easier to support is another question.
>>>>>>>>> Regards, Peter
>>>>>>>> to have something to compare with I built a version which, like
>>>>>>>> you suggest,
>>>>>>>> generates a HashSet<String> with the set of generated classes here:
>>>>>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~redestad/8152641/webrev.02/
>>>>>>>> This adds a fair bit of complexity to the plugin and requires
>>>>>>>> we add a nested
>>>>>>>> class in BoundMethodHandle that we can replace. Using the
>>>>>>>> anonymous
>>>>>>>> compute Function for this seems like the best choice for this.
>>>>>>> ...what I had in mind as alternative to a pregenerated class
>>>>>>> with a switch was a simple textual resource file, generated by
>>>>>>> plugin, read-in by BMH into a HashSet. No special-purpose class
>>>>>>> generation and much less complexity for the plugin.
>>>>>>>> I've not been able to measure any statistical difference in
>>>>>>>> real startup terms,
>>>>>>>> though, and not figured out a smart way to benchmark the
>>>>>>>> overhead of the
>>>>>>>> CNFE in relation to the class generation (my guess it adds a
>>>>>>>> fraction to the
>>>>>>>> total cost) and since this adds ever so little footprint and an
>>>>>>>> extra lookup to the
>>>>>>>> fast path it would seem that this is the wrong trade-off to do
>>>>>>>> here.
>>>>>>> Yes, perhaps it would be best to just use Class.forName(module,
>>>>>>> className) instead. I have created a little benchmark to compare
>>>>>>> overheads (just overheads) of unsuccessful lookups for
>>>>>>> pregenerated classes (a situation where a BMH class is requested
>>>>>>> that has not been pregenerated) and here's the result for
>>>>>>> overhead of 5 unsuccessfull lookups:
>>>>>>> Benchmark (generate) (lookup) Mode
>>>>>>> Cnt Score Error Units
>>>>>>> ClassForNameBench.classForName LL,LLL,LLLL,LLLLL,LLLLLL
>>>>>>> LLI,LLLI,LLLLI,LLLLLI,LLLLLLI avgt 10 6800.878 ± 421.424 ns/op
>>>>>>> ClassForNameBench.classForNameInModule LL,LLL,LLLL,LLLLL,LLLLLL
>>>>>>> LLI,LLLI,LLLLI,LLLLLI,LLLLLLI avgt 10 209.574 ± 2.114 ns/op
>>>>>>> ClassForNameBench.hashSetContains LL,LLL,LLLL,LLLLL,LLLLLL
>>>>>>> LLI,LLLI,LLLLI,LLLLLI,LLLLLLI avgt 10 6.813 ± 0.317 ns/op
>>>>>>> ClassForNameBench.switchStatement LL,LLL,LLLL,LLLLL,LLLLLL
>>>>>>> LLI,LLLI,LLLLI,LLLLLI,LLLLLLI avgt 10 6.601 ± 0.061 ns/op
>>>>>>> ...compared to runtime BMH class generation and loading this is
>>>>>>> really a very minor overhead. I would just use
>>>>>>> Class.forName(module, className) and reduce the complexity of
>>>>>>> the plugin.
>>>>>>> What do you think?
>>>>>>> Here's the benchmark:
>>>>>>> package jdk.test;
>>>>>>> import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.*;
>>>>>>> import org.openjdk.jmh.infra.Blackhole;
>>>>>>> import java.io.Serializable;
>>>>>>> import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
>>>>>>> import java.util.Iterator;
>>>>>>> import java.util.Set;
>>>>>>> import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
>>>>>>> import java.util.stream.Collectors;
>>>>>>> import java.util.stream.Stream;
>>>>>>> @BenchmarkMode(Mode.AverageTime)
>>>>>>> @Fork(value = 1, warmups = 0)
>>>>>>> @Warmup(iterations = 10)
>>>>>>> @Measurement(iterations = 10)
>>>>>>> @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
>>>>>>> @State(Scope.Thread)
>>>>>>> public class ClassForNameBench {
>>>>>>> static final String BMH = "java/lang/invoke/BoundMethodHandle";
>>>>>>> static final String SPECIES_PREFIX_NAME = "Species_";
>>>>>>> static final String SPECIES_PREFIX_PATH = BMH + "$" +
>>>>>>> @Param({"LL,LLL,LLLL,LLLLL,LLLLLL"})
>>>>>>> public String generate;
>>>>>>> public String lookup;
>>>>>>> private String[] generatedTypes;
>>>>>>> private String[] lookedUpTypes;
>>>>>>> private Set<String> generatedNames;
>>>>>>> private String[] lookedUpNames;
>>>>>>> @Setup(Level.Trial)
>>>>>>> public void setup() {
>>>>>>> generatedTypes = generate.trim().split("\\s+,\\s+");
>>>>>>> lookedUpTypes = lookup.trim().split("\\s+,\\s+");
>>>>>>> generatedNames = Stream.of(generatedTypes)
>>>>>>> .map(types -> SPECIES_PREFIX_PATH
>>>>>>> + shortenSignature(types))
>>>>>>> .collect(Collectors.toSet());
>>>>>>> lookedUpNames = Stream.of(lookedUpTypes)
>>>>>>> .map(types -> SPECIES_PREFIX_PATH
>>>>>>> + shortenSignature(types))
>>>>>>> .toArray(String[]::new);
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> @Benchmark
>>>>>>> public void classForName(Blackhole bh) {
>>>>>>> for (String name : lookedUpNames) {
>>>>>>> try {
>>>>>>> bh.consume(Class.forName(name, false,
>>>>>>> MethodHandle.class.getClassLoader()));
>>>>>>> } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
>>>>>>> bh.consume(e);
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> @Benchmark
>>>>>>> public void classForNameInModule(Blackhole bh) {
>>>>>>> for (String name : lookedUpNames) {
>>>>>>> bh.consume(Class.forName(MethodHandle.class.getModule(), name));
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> @Benchmark
>>>>>>> public void hashSetContains(Blackhole bh) {
>>>>>>> for (String name : lookedUpNames) {
>>>>>>> bh.consume(generatedNames.contains(name));
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> @Benchmark
>>>>>>> public void switchStatement(Blackhole bh) {
>>>>>>> for (String types : lookedUpTypes) {
>>>>>>> bh.consume(getBMHSwitch(types));
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> static Class<?> getBMHSwitch(String types) {
>>>>>>> // should be in sync with @Param generate above...
>>>>>>> switch (types) {
>>>>>>> case "LL": return Object.class;
>>>>>>> case "LLL": return Serializable.class;
>>>>>>> case "LLLL": return Iterator.class;
>>>>>>> case "LLLLL": return Throwable.class;
>>>>>>> case "LLLLLL": return String.class;
>>>>>>> default: return null;
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> // copied from non-public LambdaForm
>>>>>>> static String shortenSignature(String signature) {
>>>>>>> // Hack to make signatures more readable when they show
>>>>>>> up in method names.
>>>>>>> final int NO_CHAR = -1, MIN_RUN = 3;
>>>>>>> int c0, c1 = NO_CHAR, c1reps = 0;
>>>>>>> StringBuilder buf = null;
>>>>>>> int len = signature.length();
>>>>>>> if (len < MIN_RUN) return signature;
>>>>>>> for (int i = 0; i <= len; i++) {
>>>>>>> // shift in the next char:
>>>>>>> c0 = c1; c1 = (i == len ? NO_CHAR :
>>>>>>> signature.charAt(i));
>>>>>>> if (c1 == c0) { ++c1reps; continue; }
>>>>>>> // shift in the next count:
>>>>>>> int c0reps = c1reps; c1reps = 1;
>>>>>>> // end of a character run
>>>>>>> if (c0reps < MIN_RUN) {
>>>>>>> if (buf != null) {
>>>>>>> while (--c0reps >= 0)
>>>>>>> buf.append((char) c0);
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> continue;
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> // found three or more in a row
>>>>>>> if (buf == null)
>>>>>>> buf = new StringBuilder().append(signature, 0, i
>>>>>>> - c0reps);
>>>>>>> buf.append((char) c0).append(c0reps);
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> return (buf == null) ? signature : buf.toString();
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> Regards, Peter
>>>>>>>> All-in-all I lean towards moving forward with the first,
>>>>>>>> simpler revision of this
>>>>>>>> patch[1] and then evaluate if webrev.02 or a
>>>>>>>> String-switch+static resolve
>>>>>>>> as a follow-up.
>>>>>>>> A compromise would be to keep the SpeciesLookup class
>>>>>>>> introduced here
>>>>>>>> to allow removing all overhead in case the plugin is disabled.
>>>>>>>> Mandy: I've not found any test (under jdk/test/tools/jlink or
>>>>>>>> elsewhere) which
>>>>>>>> has to be updated when adding a plugin like this.
>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>> /Claes
>>>>>>>> [1] http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~redestad/8152641/webrev.01/
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