RFR: 8152515: (logging) LogManager.resetLogger should ignore LinkageError

Daniel Fuchs daniel.fuchs at oracle.com
Tue Nov 1 14:52:07 UTC 2016

On 01/11/16 14:42, Jason Mehrens wrote:
> The only other fix would be to collect all errors thrown (using addSuppressed) during close and throw only after the we have attempted to close all handlers.  Then we would retain the behavior of always throwing errors.

Yes - that's also a possibility.
Would that satisfy the issue with JavaMail as described in
https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8152515 ?

It is still unsure what should be done for OOME in this
case though.

I think I might still be attracted by the solution that
brings the least code & behavioral change - so let's see
if we can get away with special-casing shutdown to trap

best regards,

-- daniel

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