RFR: 8062389, 8029459, 8061950: Class.getMethod() is inconsistent with Class.getMethods() results + more

Mandy Chung mandy.chung at oracle.com
Fri Nov 4 03:00:38 UTC 2016

> On Nov 3, 2016, at 1:32 AM, Peter Levart <peter.levart at gmail.com> wrote:
> Here is a webrev incorporating your suggestions:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~plevart/jdk9-dev/Class.getMethods.new/webrev.07/

This looks really good. I went through the test output and the expected result looks right to me as far as I can focus (there are many many combination there).

As for the spec, it is clear and there may be some wordsmithing we could do but it’s fine to leave it for the future.

Nit: "sub-sets” should it be “subsets” (no hyphen)?


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