Proposal for adding O_DIRECT support into JDK 9

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at
Sun Nov 6 17:04:22 UTC 2016

On 06/11/2016 15:51, Lu, Yingqi wrote:

> Another approach might be use ioctl to get the block size and use that 
> as the alignment value. I think ioctl is available on UNIX based OSes 
> (please chime in if I miss any OS here) and has a similar call for 
> Windows named DeviceIoControl. The request code of ioctl is different 
> from OS to OS, but we could address that in the native code.
A possible approach (I think I mentioned this in one of the early mails) 
is to have FileStore expose the block size that can be use to align and 
size the buffer.


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