RFR 8169435 : ClassLoader.isParallelCapable is final and conflicting method may get VerifyError

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Thu Nov 10 16:59:02 UTC 2016

On 10/11/2016 17:42, David M. Lloyd wrote:
> My original suggestion for the method was to make it static, and 
> possibly even caller-sensitive, for just this reason.
Changing it to be non-final looks reasonable here, the main reason being 
that it's a no-arg isXXXX method and so unlikely that there are custom 
class loaders that have a method with this name that returns something 
other than boolean. However the modifier might be a concern and so time 
will tell if there are custom class loaders that defining a non-public 
no-arg method with this name.


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