[9] RFR (XS): 8169000: Define reference reachability more precisely in java.lang.ref package

Zoltán Majó zoltan.majo at oracle.com
Fri Nov 11 09:25:13 UTC 2016


please review the fix for 8169000:


The bug was filed because different behavior of interpreted and compiled 
code in HotSpot was observed (different behavior with respect to phantom 
references).  After discussions with Maurizio C, Alex B, and David H, 
the best way to address this problem seems to be to update update the 
documentation of the java.lang.ref to avoid confusion in the future.  
David's comment in the bug report [1] accurately and concisely 
summarizes the reasons for the suggested patch.  For more details please 
feel free to look at the comments in the bug report.

Thank you!

Best regards,



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