Java is too limited when dealing with the Console

Brunoais brunoaiss at
Sun Nov 13 10:35:07 UTC 2016

Since java 6, a class named Console was created. This class allows 
reading and writing directly to the console, including getting input 
without echoing for password purposes.

Unfortunately, that class does not include useful functionality for java 
programs to work on the console and output formatted text. The feature I 
miss the most is knowing how many columns I have to type into in order 
to deliver an easier to read formatted output while avoiding line wraps 
that are not coded in.

There are other things I miss like having multi-line progress bars (so 
far I can do single line if it is the last line by using "\r" and 
re-writing the line).

Other times, it is more user friendly to wait for any key press instead 
of specifically waiting for "Enter" which will also add more lines to 
the console.

I did some search and found nothing about this. Why hasn't this been 
implemented for java code?

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