RFR (JAXP) 8158619: Very large CDATA section in XML document causes OOME

Joe Wang huizhe.wang at oracle.com
Thu Nov 17 19:58:06 UTC 2016

Thanks Lance, Daniel, and Christoph.  I adopted the changes as suggested.

The changeset has been in my workspace for over a month now. So it's 
good to get it out of the way.

On raw type, other warnings and obsolete code:
       we made the top 3 in terms of the number of warnings. We're 
trying to correct that as we go with fixing a small set at a time within 
the scope of the current change. It's not being ideal since often times 
we have to stop where it affects the signatures (or have to expand to 
other classes). Eventually, we'd have to bite the bullet and conduct a 
complete overhaul of the code.  I actually did it in the jaxp standalone 
repo with regard to the obsolete types, but it was lost in the middle of 
transition during the jdk7.

On format, I agree with Daniel, we can at least fix the very-long lines 
near the changes, and not to introduce new ones. For other formats, it's 
tempting to just hit the NetBeans - format function. But then, it'd 
generate a huge amount of changes that could make it difficult for the 
reviewers.  One thing we could do is not to include format changes in 
webrevs, and instead just make a note that NetBeans-format will be done 
before check-in. But even that might be unnecessary since it would make 
it hard to trace back changes in the repo.

After all is said (about format), we are unfortunately to live with the 
messy format we inherited, but we shall fix the long lines though.

**it's interesting to note that NetBeans-format will remove the line 
between License header and package name, which is required by the 
Licencing tool**


On 11/17/16, 5:43 AM, Lance Andersen wrote:
> Hi Joe,
> Overall looks good.
> I agree with Daniel that you might want to reconsider 
> reworking JdkXmlUtils.getValue to make it a bit more robust incase of 
> an surprise Object passed for value.
> Best
> Lance
>> On Nov 16, 2016, at 5:12 PM, Joe Wang <huizhe.wang at oracle.com 
>> <mailto:huizhe.wang at oracle.com>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Please review an enhancement adding a property to allow for 
>> specifying the chunk size of CDATA.
>> JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8158619
>> webrevs: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~joehw/jdk9/8158619/webrev/ 
>> <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Ejoehw/jdk9/8158619/webrev/>
>> Thanks,
>> Joe
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