Request for Review and Sponsor needed: JDK-8167648: should have PrintWriter((String|File), Charset) constructors

Paul Sandoz paul.sandoz at
Wed Nov 30 23:20:37 UTC 2016

> On 30 Nov 2016, at 13:47, Patrick Reinhart <patrick at> wrote:
> Hi Roger,
>> Am 30.11.2016 um 20:01 schrieb Roger Riggs <Roger.Riggs at>:
>> Hi Patrick,
>> I have reservations about trying to get this into JDK 9.  Because it is a new API,
>> it should have some bake time before feature freeze and it needs further review
>> from the compatibility point of view and resources committed to create new JCK tests.
>> Many folks are fully loaded also trying to hit feature freeze.
> I did not expect that the first iteration is good enough. I took this issue, because it was
> marked for target 9. So I’m open for other views.

We should defer to 10, hopefully the repos will be open soonish. Recommend that you assign the issue to yourself, triage it, and set the fix version to 10.


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