Re: RFR: 6378384 (reflect) subclass can’t access superclass’s protected fields and methods by reflection

Peter Levart peter.levart at
Sun Oct 2 21:51:39 UTC 2016


I added an exhaustive jtreg test that covers all possible situations.

 From the set of the following classes:

package a;
public class PublicSuper {...}

package a;
class Package {...}

package b;
public class PublicSub extends a.PublicSuper {...}

package b;
class Package {...}

it creates a set of all possible triplets:

(currentClass, memberClass, targetClass)


currentClass - the class making the reflective access
memberClass - the member's declaring class
targetClass - the target object's class (for accessing instance fields 
and methods - must be equal to or subclass of memberClass)

For each such triplet it checks the reflective access to each of the 
following members:

{private, package, protected, public} x {instance, static} x {field, method}


  {private, package, protected, public} x {constructor}

When running on unpatched build 9-ea+137, the result is:

When running on patched build of 9, the result is:

The difference is exactly in the following two cases which fail for 
unpatched and are fixed by the patch:

b.PublicSub accessing a.PublicSuper's PROTECTED_STATIC_FIELD - expected 
allowed, actual denied : FAILURE
b.PublicSub accessing a.PublicSuper's PROTECTED_STATIC_METHOD - expected 
allowed, actual denied : FAILURE


This is new webrev:

I think the test proves the effect of the patch is as intended, 
therefore it should not be a problem to review it.

Regards, Peter

On 10/01/2016 12:20 AM, Peter Levart wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a fix for a 10 year old bug (JDK-6378384 
> <>). It was marked as 
> a duplicate of a 19 year old bug (JDK-4032740 
> <>) which is marked as 
> a duplicate of a 17 year old bug (JDK-4283544 
> <>) which is still 
> open. But this bug is not a strict duplicate. This bug only concerns 
> reflective access to protected members.
> Here's a proposed fix:
> The bug manifests itself as not being able to access protected static 
> methods or fields from a subclass located in a different package. 
> Instance protected methods and fields can be accessed, and using an 
> undocumented trick, also static methods and fields, but the trick is 
> very subtle. The specification for Field.get/set and Method.invoke 
> says, respectively:
>      * <p>If the underlying field is a static field, the {@code obj} 
> argument
>      * is ignored; it may be null.
> and:
>      * <p>If the underlying method is static, then the specified 
> {@code obj}
>      * argument is ignored. It may be null.
> Well, it is not exactly so! The obj argument is used as a 'target' 
> even for protected static members and it is ensured that its class is 
> equal or a subclass of the class that accesses the member. So if you 
> pass an instance of a subclass of the protected method's declaring 
> class into the get/set/invoke, you can access the static protected 
> member. If you pass 'null', you get IllegalAccessException.
> The problem is in the design of 
> jdk.internal.reflect.Reflection#ensureMemberAccess method which is 
> used to check reflective access. It takes an Object 'target' argument, 
> which is supposed to be null when accessing static methods/fields and 
> it is null also when accessing constructors. Because of constructors 
> and the method's API, it has to be overly restrictive as it must only 
> allow calling protected constructors from within the constructor's 
> declaring class itself or same package, while protected static methods 
> could be called from any subclass.
> By redesigning the API of this method, replacing Object 'target' 
> parameter with Class<?> 'targetClass' parameter and by passing the 
> constructor's declaring class into this method instead of null, 
> reflective checks suddenly start to look more like JLS dictates (but 
> still a long way from it, unfortunately).
> As a bonus, sun.reflect.misc.ReflectUtil#ensureMemberAccess method 
> (used from AtomicXXXFieldUpdater classes) does not need the following 
> comment any more:
>      * Reflection.ensureMemberAccess is overly-restrictive
>      * due to a bug. We awkwardly work around it for now.
> it can now delegate straight to Reflection.ensureMemberAccess 
> without invoking it twice with different modified member access 
> modifiers and performing part of the check itself.
> java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject#checkAccess delegates to 
> Reflection.ensureMemberAccess and caches the result, so it had to be 
> modified too.
> Constructor now passes it's declaring class to the 'targetClass' 
> parameter and Filed/Method obey the spec and REALLY IGNORE 'obj' 
> parameter in get/set/invoke on a static member.
> All java/lang/reflect and java/util/concurrent/atomic tests pass with 
> this patch applied except the following:
> java/lang/reflect/AccessibleObject/ Test 
> java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject with modules
> java/lang/reflect/Generics/ Test bad signatures 
> get a GenericSignatureFormatError thrown.
> java/lang/reflect/Method/invoke/ 
> Reflection support for private methods in interfaces
> java/lang/reflect/Module/ Test Module isExported 
> methods with exports changed by -AddExportsTest
> java/lang/reflect/Proxy/ Basic test of proxy 
> module mapping and the access to Proxy class
> java/lang/reflect/WeakPairMap/ Functional test for 
> WeakPairMap
> ...which all fail because of:
>     javac: invalid flag: -XaddExports:java.base/jdk.internal....
> Regards, Peter

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