DateTimeFormatter.format() uses exceptions for flow control

David Holmes david.holmes at
Sun Oct 9 20:47:39 UTC 2016

Hi Clement,

Please note that patches can only be accepted if they are sent through, 
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On 10/10/2016 1:24 AM, Clément MATHIEU wrote:
> Hi !
> I noticed that DateTimePrintContext.getValue() relies on exceptions to
> handle optionality. Using exceptions for flow control seems both
> unexpected and very costly, ie. I discovered the issue
> when  LocaleDate.format(BASIC_ISO_DATE) showed up as a heavy hitter in
> my application.
> Formatting a LocateDate as a "yyyyMMdd" string should take ~0.1μs but
> currently takes from ~2.5μs, stack depth = 0, to ~10μs, stack depth =
> 128 when an optional parser is defined but the optional field is not
> supported. This seems unfortunate when exceptions can easily be avoided
> by testing if the field is supported before trying to get its value.
> Webrev:
> JMH benchmarks:
> What do you think ?
> Note: Many tests within java.time are currently broken because of
> TestNG upgrade, see
> Would it help if I spend some time adding the missing L suffixes ?
> Regards,
> Clément MATHIEU

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